
Doocy Embarrasses 'Baby' Biden on National TV with Question to His Press Secretary


Doocy does it again!

Just when you get a lull of dull WH press briefings, Fox’s Peter Doocy comes in and gives a knock-out line, or question, to Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

This time, the question cut right through the bone to the marrow in both a precisely pointed way and in a manner that was in a word, amusing.

“Karine, President Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history, why does White House staff treat him like a baby?”

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The question flummoxed Jean-Pierre, who seemed unable to deal with the charge and was visibly irritated by it.

“No one treats the president of the United State, the commander in chief, like a baby,” she responded.

Doocy’s follow up to the question referenced a new book, which delves into the questions surrounding the Biden administration’s handling of the Putin regime. Reading an excerpt, Doocy said, “rather than owning his failure he fumed to friends about how he was treated like a toddler. ‘Was John Kennedy ever babied like that?'”

Do you think Biden is treated like a baby?

To her credit, Jean-Pierre, after collecting herself, was quick to point out that books (both positive and negative) are written about every administration and that the White House cannot concern itself with every allegation of every book.

This was a fair retort, and Trump supporters are more than aware how salacious books can be about sitting presidents; however, this particular critique got a rise out of KJP for more than just the fact that it was “critical.” It also resonated.

After all, we have seen compilation after compilation of President Biden’s inability to walk up stairs, to find his way off stage, to follow basic instructions, to read from a teleprompter, or to complete coherent thoughts and sentences, as seen here:

Not only this, but Biden is the oldest sitting president, and as recently opined by Nate Silver, he is only a gaffe away from losing the presidency — and might not even survive his term because of his age.

Watch: KJP Calls Peter Doocy 'Disingenuous' After He Turns Tables on Her with Trump's 'Bloodbath' Comments

“If the expert class doesn’t understand that Biden’s age is both a real concern for voters and a valid concern, they’d better be prepared for getting a second Trump term instead,” Silver wrote.

At some point, it becomes more than reasonable to ask if the president may struggle, as many of our own relatives and loved-ones have, with cognitive and physical decline, and Americans are concerned about Biden’s mental fitness.

It is also reasonable to ask if the aids doing as much work as they do implies that our nation is being run by a permanent bureaucracy instead of the man elected by the people of the United States.

We should not be electing weak, incompetent, and aged men purely on the grounds of international respect.

Let me be clear, this has nothing to do with the question of empire, for I am at the point (an many conservatives increasingly are) of embracing a form of isolationism; however, even under this position one cannot and should not have a weak president, for it only encourages our enemies to take advantage and mock us as a people — as China has.

The sad fact is this: In a representative government, the president is reflective of the people that voted him in. He is an avatar of sorts for the American people. So if Biden is now a senile “baby,” what does that say about us?

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