
Dylan Mulvaney Makes Mockery of Females with Post on International Women's Day, But It Quickly Catches Up to Him


International Women’s Day is meant to be a moment to celebrate the achievements that countless females in the world have accomplished.

Everybody has a woman in their life that they can celebrate, whether it’s a mother, wife, daughter, grandmother, aunt, sister, or friend.

The most important point of the day is that it’s not supposed to be about men. That is unless you’re a mentally unwell man who has been parading yourself as a woman and dragging femininity through the mud.

Surprising nobody, transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney felt the need to make an International Women’s Day post about himself, feeding his delusions that he’s anything but a man in a dress.

Mulvaney has previously been at the center of controversy after he partnered with beer brand Bud Light, which led to catastrophic results for the company.

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The controversial figure posted photos he took alongside pop star Lady Gaga, captioned, “Happy international women’s day.”


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A post shared by Dylan Mulvaney (@dylanmulvaney)

Of course, people immediately began to lament Mulvaney shamelessly celebrating the day despite having done so much to harm the reputation and spaces of actual women.

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Comments like “This is so degrading to REAL women” and “I see 1 woman 1 man” appeared in the post’s comment section.

Of course, countless commenters also fed into the carefully constructed worldview that Mulvaney and the cult of transgenderism operate on.

But while his Instagram comment section was a fair mix of support and dissent, posters on X were far more united against his affront to womanhood.

“Dylan Mulvaney is a man. India Willoughby is a man. Sam Smith is a man. If you’re so insecure about your identity you call the cops when a stranger ‘gets it wrong,’ you’re the problem,” one angered woman posted.

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Way to help erase women instead of celebrate them … All the makeup in the world won’t turn Dylan Mulvaney into a woman. He’s a man,” another frustrated woman lamented on X.

The mass of criticism against Mulvaney for disrespecting women on a day meant to celebrate them didn’t go unnoticed as Lady Gaga posted a statement attempting to silence criticism against Mulvaney.

“It’s appalling to me that a post about National Women’s Day by Dylan Mulvaney and me would be met with such vitriol and hatred. When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it ‘backlash’ I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence,” the pop star attempted to claim in an Instagram post.



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A post shared by Lady Gaga (@ladygaga)

Her caption stated she feels “very protective in this moment” of the transgender community and pushed for everyone who identifies as anything remotely feminine to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Once again, while comments on Instagram were a mixed bag of support and dissent, X saw a much more angered response to Gaga’s defense of Mulvaney.

“I have officially lost any respect I had for her. Mocking women — which is Dylan Mulvaney’s entire shtick — is not a gender identity. It’s not even a personality like he thinks it is,” one user posted.

“Lady Gaga deserved the backlash she [received] for Promoting Dylan Mulvaney On International Women’s Day. Dylan is a man after all..,” another user shared.

“What we hate is the patriarchy and the insane belief that men can become women. I’m a liberal woman & this insanity is why Trumpf is winning #WomenDumpingDems #DemXXit,” another woman wrote.

It seems upon leaving its echo chamber, the forced narrative that gender is malleable and can be changed begins to quickly crumble.

The truth is, no matter what the left and its supporters attempt to push, gender is an unchangeable factor of oneself and cannot be changed.

Anyone who attempts to push this, especially when causing damage along the way, deserves any backlash they receive.

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