
Establishment Media Labels Trump or His Tweets 'Racist' More Than 1,000 Times in Just Over Two Days - Report


Marking a shift from traditional tactics of simply alluding to President Donald Trump’s “racism,” establishment media outlets have labeled the president or his tweets “racist” over 1,000 times since Sunday morning, The Washington Examiner reported.

Trump has been at the receiving end of criticism after he suggested in a series of tweets some freshman Democratic congresswomen should return to their home countries if they do not like the United States.

Tom Elliott, founder and editor of online news company Grabien, tweeted on Tuesday that the word “racist” was said 636 times on CNN in reference to the president or his tweets since the news channel started reporting on the story on Sunday.

He also said MSNBC used the word 471 times.

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Elliott noted that the numbers did not include any instances of the word appearing in writing on the screen.

Less than three hours later, he tweeted that CNN’s count increased by 68, reaching 704.

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Trump’s original remarks appeared to take aim at four progressive lawmakers: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

Of those four, only Omar, who came to the U.S. from Somalia as a child, was born outside of the United States.

On Monday afternoon, the four Democratic congresswomen held a media conference to denounce the comments made by the president and said that he doesn’t have the “integrity” that the office demands, the Daily Caller reported.

“He does not embody the grace, the empathy, the compassion, the integrity that that office requires and that the American people deserve,” Pressley said.

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“Our squad is big. Our squad includes any person committed to building a more equitable and just world,” she added.

Pressley may be overestimating the level of support the four congresswomen have nationally, according to a recent poll.

An anonymous Democratic group leaked a poll to Axios that showed just 22 percent of likely general election voters approved of Ocasio-Cortez, and just 9 percent approved of Omar.

President Trump fought back against accusations of racism, doubling down and accusing the congresswomen of hating America.

“Get a list of the HORRIBLE things they have said. Omar is polling at 8%, Cortez at 21%. Nancy Pelosi tried to push them away, but now they are forever wedded to the Democrat Party. See you in 2020!” he said.

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Jack Buckby is an English conservative writer and author. He has previously worked in British, Canadian and Polish media, offering a conservative perspective on international issues.
Jack Buckby is an English conservative writer and author. He has previously worked in British, Canadian and Polish media, offering a conservative perspective on international issues.

His last book, Architects of Betrayal, documented the catastrophic Brexit negotiation process under the leadership of Prime Minister Theresa May. His next book will explore the reality of political extremism, and will be published in Spring 2020.
