
Evil: Wife of J6er Discovers Puddle of Blood After FBI Raid, Learns Her Little Baby Is Dead


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Annette Kuehne, the wife of Jan. 6 defendant Chris Kuehne, suffered a miscarriage the day after the FBI raided their Kansas home in February 2021.

The couple spoke with Nick Searcy, the producer of the documentary film “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth,” at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The movie is the sequel to 2021’s “Capitol Punishment” and tracks the Department of Justice’s treatment of multiple defendants in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion.

Chris Kuehne is a Marine Corps combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient who served on the detail that performed the 21-gun salute at Reagan’s funeral at the library in June 2004. He gave the commands for the salute, The Kansas City Star reported.

Stream “The War on the Truth” NOW. Rent for $7.77 for 48 hours or make a digital purchase for $9.99.

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Kuehne attended the 2021 protest at the Capitol. He pleaded guilty in February to one count of obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder, according to a news release from the DOJ.

He had gone into the Capitol but was not charged with engaging in violence or destroying property. Kuehne was an associate of the Kansas City Proud Boys, the DOJ said.

The Marine Corps vet went to Washington because he wanted to make sure that people didn’t get hurt, Annette Kuehne told Searcy.

“He wanted to make sure that families got to their cars or got to their hotels or got to their place safely, and that’s why he decided to go,” she said.

The DOJ said in its news release that he had sent a text to the group saying he was concerned about potential clashes with antifa or Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

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On Feb. 11, 2021, the FBI raided the Kuehnes’ home and arrested Chris.

“It was about 6:30-ish in the morning, and they surrounded our home with three police vehicles. So at that moment Chris’ cellphone rang and loud and clear I heard, ‘Chris Kuehne this is the FBI, you need to come out of your house immediately,'” Annette recounted.

“And it was freezing cold. It was like 7 degrees without the wind chill there in Kansas,” she said.

Annette said that when she looked down, she saw red aiming lasers from the FBI’s weapons moving around her and wondered, “Is that pointed at me?”

“I looked down at my chest, and I realized my little 4-year-old was standing right next to me and I saw them on him too,” she said.

The agents “were yelling at Chris to turn around, and at that moment I heard them tackle him down and throw him in the snow, and I heard him scream in pain because he had just had surgery on his left wrist,” Annette told Searcy.

Stream “The War on the Truth” NOW. Rent for $7.77 for 48 hours or make a digital purchase for $9.99.

She then turned and tried to screen her son from everything that was happening.

The FBI agents quickly whisked her husband away from the location and for a while blocked Annette and her son from returning inside their home.

The next morning she was not feeling well, she told Searcy.

“That Friday morning, I woke up, and I think just all the stress, not sleeping, not eating — I just felt kind of off. And when I went to the doctor’s appointment, she did an ultrasound, and I was just feeling maybe I didn’t eat enough or just feeling kind of lightheaded and sick,” Annette said.

She was alone in the examining room when she noticed she was bleeding.

“When I got up, that’s when there was just blood dripping everywhere,” Annette said.

The doctor then told her, “I’m really sorry, but if you don’t have emergency surgery, you’re going to bleed to death.”

“So I didn’t know if I was going to see my son again or Chris or anybody because I was by myself,” Annette recalled.

She said she prayed to God and went into surgery.

When Annette came to, she learned the devastating news. “I lost my baby,” she said.

She said she was numb for months afterward and then finally the emotions of grief, loss and fear came flooding in.

“That’s the hardest thing because now you have a loss of life that we’re dealing with besides everything else,” Annette said.

“There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t thought about that day and the baby and everything else, and what would we be like today,” she said.

Annette concluded, “I think that law enforcement has been weaponized, and it’s being used against the American citizen. And it’s to make a statement that ‘if you don’t like what we’re saying or we’re doing, then this is the treatment you’re going to get.’ And that’s what it feels like.”

Chris agreed.

“I’m really concerned for this country in a lot of ways,” he told Searcy. “This country was founded on a certain set of principles. God is the centerpiece. He sits at the throne. And that’s the way this country was founded by our forefathers, and I think that we have moved so far beyond that.”

In February, Kuehne was sentenced to 75 days in prison and 24 months of supervised release, which includes 60 days of home detention. He also was required to pay $2,000 in restitution for Capitol clean-up costs.

You can watch “War on the Truth” now by clicking HERE

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