
Ex-CNN Pedophile Producer Learns Fate After Heinous Sexual Act Involving 9-Year-Old Girl


A former veteran CNN producer was sentenced Tuesday to spend 19 years in federal prison for child sex crimes.

John Griffin was indicted in 2021 after federal authorities first alleged he lured a 9-year-old girl to his home in Vermont, The Samford Advocate reported.

Prosecutors said Griffin enticed the child and her adopted mother to a skiing residence in the state he owned with his now-former wife.

The girl, who is now 11, was exposed to the behavior and the adopted mother permitted it.

The indictment stated the victim “was directed to engage in and did engage in illegal sexual activity.”

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Griffin enticed the two to drive from Nevada to Boston and then he drove them to the Vermont home in his Tesla.

Prosecutors said Griffin sent the adopted mother $3,500 in order to get her to meet with him.

He bragged he could teach girls as young as the age of 7 to be “submissive” to men and he was a master at “sexual training.

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He specifically targeted mothers with daughters and used targeted messaging apps like Kik. Vermont U.S. Attorney Nikolas Kerest said Griffin sought victims who were “vulnerable.”

He pleaded guilty last year to avoid a trial.

This week, he was sentenced to 19 years in federal prison and an additional 15 years of supervised release.

U.S. District Judge William Sessions III called Griffin’s behavior “outrageous” during his sentencing.

Griffin is also ordered to pay the child $1.1 million from his half the sale of the Vermont home, which was sold after the charges were filed and his wife also filed for divorce.

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He was also ordered to forfeit the Tesla used in the crime.

The victim’s adopted mother will also spend eight to 20 years in prison for her role in the crimes.

Her name is not being made public so that the identity of the victim can be protected.

Griffin worked on CNN shows with Andrew Cuomo and John Avlon. He also produced CNN’s “New Day.”

According to his LinkedIn page, Griffin started at the network in 2013.

Before that, he worked for several years each at ABC News, Fox News and CBS News.

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