
Explosive Undercover Video: CNN Employee Discusses Network Head's 'Personal Vendetta' Against Trump


CNN’s anti-Trump bias may run through the network directly to its president, Jeff Zucker, according to undercover footage featured in a video from activist organization Project Veritas.

The video, which Project Veritas is calling “Expose CNN,” includes conversations among CNN staffers recorded by employee Cary Poarch.

“I decided to secretly record the 9 a.m. rundown call meetings and it’s basically run by Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN,” Poarch says in the Project Veritas video.

“I decided to wear the camera because I didn’t see any other option.”

The conversations Poarch recorded reveal Zucker pushing the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump as the most significant news story for his network.

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“We’re moving towards impeachment. I mean, we shouldn’t pretend this is going one way. And so all these moves are moves towards impeachment,” Zucker can be heard saying.

“So don’t lose sight of what the biggest story is.”

Poarch explains that the morning calls are daily events in which Zucker directs CNN’s news operations from the company’s New York bureau.

“He runs it with an iron fist,” Poarch says. “Every day just hammering Trump in some way, shape or form or Republicans in general, about, yeah, all these other stories may be happening, but we want to divert all our resources to this aspect of Trump or that aspect of Trump or most recently it’s just all about impeachment.”

Are you surprised by Zucker's comments about impeachment?

According to other CNN employees Poarch recorded, Zucker has been biased against Trump for a long time.

Media coordinator Nick Neville explains that Zucker has had an “ongoing feud with Trump since ‘The Apprentice.'”

In 2004, Zucker worked as an executive producer at NBC — the network that ran Trump’s famous reality TV show.

“Jeff Zucker, basically, the president of CNN, has a personal vendetta against Trump. It’s not gonna be positive for Trump. He hates him. He’s gonna be negative,” Neville says during a recorded conversation with Poarch.

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Zucker even rejects other news stories to focus on the impeachment inquiry, according to Poarch’s recordings.

In another part of the video, an unnamed person can be heard suggesting to Zucker a story for CNN to cover.

Guns will be the central topic in the 2020 Democratic nomination race today,” an employee identified in a caption as a “CNN producer” says on the call. “The Giffords PAC has paired up with MSNBC, they’ve got a guns town hall in Las Vegas. Ten candidates will be showing up there throughout the day.”

Zucker is quick to shoot the idea down.

“I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK?” Zucker interjects. “I don’t care about them.”

“Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment and everything that happens today.”

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