
Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report


While suburban moms sift through Facebook Marketplace for secondhand “Live, Laugh, Love” signs, a sinister black market for illegal aliens flourishes on the social media platform.

A report by Turning Point USA’s Savanah Hernandez uncovered several services that facilitate illegal immigration, all operating with impunity on the site.

They sell everything from fake IDs and Social Security cards to accounts they can use to illegally work within the U.S. for services such as Uber Eats and Instacart.

They even act as a conduit to human smuggling operators who offer kickbacks to users who refer others.

Hernandez shared her video report Wednesday on social media.

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“How illegal immigrants are using Meta’s Facebook to buy fake driver’s licenses and social security cards, advertise human smuggling services, buy Uber Eats, Doordash, and Instacart accounts to work in the US,” she wrote on X.

“This is how illegal immigrants are using Meta’s Facebook to buy fake IDs and Social Security cards, access human smuggling services and illegally work for Uber, Door Dash and Instacart in online flea markets,” Hernandez began.

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“For example, this page titled ‘Obtain your license to drive from the United States’ here advertises multiple fake driver’s licenses in several videos alongside fake Social Security cards and even credit scores,” she continued, showing the Spanish-language page on a split screen.

“As you scroll through this page, the seller even advertises that his IDs can pass an authenticity check, passing IDs under a black light, revealing a hologram security feature typically applied to real government-issued driver’s licenses,” Hernandez said.

“These fake licenses are advertised for every state, and we reached out to the owner of this page, who confirmed that he could create an ID for us in whichever state that we need it,” she said.

The page also advertised other services, including schemes to obtain IDs and Social Security numbers to work for food and grocery delivery services.

Other sites Hernandez found advertised services to rent accounts to work for the delivery services as well as a bank account that would allow them to get paid.

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However, the most disturbing pages belong to the so-called coyotes, who traffic people across the Mexico border into the U.S. for a hefty fee.

“Facebook also allows the advertisement of human smuggling services on their platforms, too,” Hernandez said.

“One page titled Coyote 502 boasts almost 100,000 followers, with this page regularly posting videos of large groups of migrants walking through and being smuggled throughout Mexico,” she said.

“In the comments of these videos, migrants are told they can be brought over from Mexico into the U.S. within 20 minutes,” the reporter noted.

Another account featured video advertisements of smugglers “hoisting a ladder and bringing people over the border walls.”

Hernandez obtained a quote for these services from one of the accounts, which charges “$7,500 per person, adding that he would give us a $1,000 per person finders fee for every migrant we referred to him.”

“And again, this is one of many pages advertising these services across the U.S.,” she said.

“Now, typically creating or obtaining a fake form of identification or smuggling a human being across the border would be a felony, and working illegally would result in deportation,” Hernandez noted.

“However, Meta is allowing this legal activity to take place on Facebook every single day, and these online flea markets can be found in every city and state across the U.S., even those that don’t have sanctuary laws for illegal immigrants,” she concluded.

These revelations are disturbing in terms of national security as unvetted people pour over the border and find legitimacy using these counterfeit documents and services.

Worse still is that Facebook, which is notoriously meticulous about making sure certain conservative viewpoints are suppressed, seemingly does nothing about it.

It’s not as if this is an emerging problem that is just out of reach.

Rather, human smuggling has been part of Facebook’s landscape since at least 2021 when Republican Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida called out Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg for the practice and its hypocrisy.

“It is unacceptable for an American company to allow a criminal enterprise to use your platform to freely encourage and facilitate criminal activity,” Cammack chided Zuckerberg at the time.

It seems nothing has changed since then.

To declare the record numbers of illegal immigrants flowing over the nation’s southern border as anything less than an invasion is a lie.

To allow Facebook to give bad actors a platform to provide aid and comfort to the invaders comes uncomfortably close to treason.

Cities are becoming increasingly overrun with people who have unknown pasts and possibly criminal ties because of the ease of illegal immigration.

If this doesn’t stop, suburban mothers could find themselves searching for “Keep Out” signs instead.

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Christine earned her bachelor’s degree from Seton Hall University, where she studied communications and Latin. She left her career in the insurance industry to become a freelance writer and stay-at-home mother.
Christine earned her bachelor’s degree from Seton Hall University, where she studied communications and Latin. She left her career in the insurance industry to become a freelance writer and stay-at-home mother.
