
Fact-Check: Kinzinger Says Standing for 'Truth' Cost Him His Job - But Here's What Really Happened


Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, the RINO who has spent the last few years relentlessly attacking his own party, recently used his farewell speech to Congress to explain the heroic reason why he is on his way out of Washington.

Kinzinger did not run for re-election after redistricting pitted him against a strong conservative in the primaries.

That meant that both of the token Republicans on the Democrats’ Jan. 6 committee lost their seats. Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney lost her race to a Republican challenger.

Yet Kinzinger has been defiant in defeat. Twitchy reported that on Thursday, Kinzinger delivered his farewell address and outlined the reason he believes he was not re-elected: He stood up for the “truth” against the evil Donald Trump.

“Had I known that standing up for truth would cost me my job, friendships and even my personal security, I would, without hesitation, do it all over again,” Kinzinger told the House.

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What a wonderful image that makes. The selfless statesman standing for his principles and falling on his sword to defend the American people from the evil MAGA Republicans.

There is just one problem — it’s not true.

Are you glad Kinzinger was not re-elected?

Kinzinger did not lose his job because of his opposition to Trump; he lost his job because the Democrats gerrymandered his district.

Twitter users were quick to point out that inconvenient fact in response to Kinzinger’s claim.

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Of course, Kinzinger is not going to mention any of that, because he thinks the Democrats who did this to him are his allies. He needs their help to get rid of that evil orange man whom he so despises.

Naturally, conservatives are not inclined to have any sympathy for Kinzinger.

Not only is he a member of the Jan. 6 committee, which is essentially a Democratic show trial, but he was also one of 10 Republicans to vote for Trump’s second impeachment, an act that saw him censured by the GOP in his own district.

Kinzinger also used his farewell address as a final opportunity to lambast his own party, saying that Republicans “shelter the ignorant, the racist, who only stoke anger and hatred.”

If this is how he feels about his fellow party members, it should not surprise him that none of them are shedding a tear at the thought of his departure.

Kinzinger’s defeat should serve as a lesson to other RINOs trying to curry favor with the left. The Democrats are not your allies. They may tolerate you, but at the end of the day, they would prefer to elect one of their own.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
