
Fighter Jets Scrambled to Clear Airspace Over Biden's Vacation Spot


As the nation faces serious challenges, it’s nice to know that the federal government is focusing on the issues that really matter — making sure that the Biden family has a smooth vacation.

Turns out, the North American Aerospace Defense Command had to scramble fighter jets to redirect a civilian plane that had entered restricted airspace near Biden’s vacation spot.

According to CNN, on Friday, NORAD dispatched three fighters to deal with a civilian aircraft that had entered the temporarily restricted airspace above Lake Tahoe, California, where Biden was about the land for his latest vacation.

The jets used flares to get the attention of the aircraft’s pilot and then escorted it out of the area.

Thus, the area was cleared without anyone getting hurt, and the president and the first lady were able to land safely in California to continue their vacation.

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They have been staying in Lake Tahoe for the past week, but their vacation was briefly suspended when they visited Hawaii to survey the damage caused by the wildfires on Maui.

While we are grateful to NORAD for solving the situation quickly and without incident and that the president and the first lady were safe, this story reminds us of the fact that Biden is taking way too many vacations while the nation faces a crisis.

There are real problems that need to be solved, and the nation needs a president who is willing to stand up and face them.

For instance, inflation and crime have skyrocketed, there is a complete breakdown of order along the southern border, and rising tensions with Russia and China are pushing us to the brink of World War III.

Is Biden taking too many vacations?

But Biden seems to be more concerned about vacations than he is about solving the nation’s problems.

This current trip to California is the perfect example. Biden traveled to California during a national tragedy, as Hawaiians were picking up the pieces and mourning their lost loved ones after the wildfires tore through their communities.

For nearly a week, however, Biden continually dodged questions and refused to speak about them, instead being more concerned with ensuring that he and his family had a nice vacation in California.

When Biden did finally visit Hawaii, it seemed more like an unwelcome break in his vacation and a spotlight-chasing photo op than a trip made out of genuine concern for the welfare of the people there.

But that is just one example of the excessive vacation time Biden has taken. In June of 2022, it was reported that Biden was on pace to smash the record for vacation time taken by the president.

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Given that that was over a year ago, it is very possible that he has since surpassed that.

The American people need a leader, someone who is more concerned about their welfare than about luxury vacations.

Biden, however, seems to have different priorities.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
