
Flynn: Surprise Attack on Israel Confirms the West Is in a State of Complacency


Nobody expected the war in Israel except the enemies of Israel and America. The U.S. must think hard about this.

The West as a whole is still in a state of complacency. We are mired in a losing effort in Ukraine, and Russia has been playing the U.S. like a fiddle.

Vladimir Putin (and Volodymyr Zelenskyy) know how much debt we are in and how much we spent in two losing efforts in the Middle East (Afghanistan and Iraq). Our enemies now dominate both of those countries.

Israel’s misfortune should be a strong warning sign that we in the U.S. (and the West as a whole) are under attack, we are no longer perceived as strong, the world structure under which we live and that underpins our way of life is not secured, and that we must prepare ourselves psychologically and materially, at this stage, to defend it actively. The invading marauders crossing our southern border could easily start attacks inside America without warning — except to those supporting their efforts.

This is also a massive U.S. intelligence, operational and policy failure.

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Since we just gave Hamas $6 billion and didn’t ensure we had exceptional sources inside reporting on their activities or guarantees in place not to act without our knowledge, we either have idiots running our foreign policy, or it is intentional.

There is a very disturbing leftist element growing in Israel just like here in America. Foreign policy hawks in the Netanyahu administration know this. There is a leftist Israeli elite that is also anti-West, meaning anti-American. They believe they can get along with elements like Hamas and those in Arab nations whom they deem reasonable (and globalist).

This is the globalist playbook, and it does not favor the idea of a free and sovereign state of Israel. This playbook sees the world as one thing — a playground to dominate.

Lastly, we are in a period of strategic weakness.

We just had the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retire, the House speaker removed, and a border policy change allowing even more inside our borders. Nothing is coincidental when it comes to those trying to destroy America. Plus, we have given $200 billion to Ukraine, and even Israel was duped into giving away arms and ammunition to her enemies and proxies.

These and many other conditions of weakness offer an advantage to our enemies that we must understand, accept and then overcome (and quickly).

In the end, the war in Israel is a precursor to what we can expect right here at home.

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Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn served as the national security advisor to President Donald J. Trump. He also served in the U.S. military for over 33 years, holds three master's degrees and has been awarded numerous civilian, military, intelligence and law enforcement awards and honors. He is the co-author of two national best-selling books, “The Field of Fight” and “The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare.” He is currently serving as chairman of America’s Future 501c3, one of America’s oldest non-profits. To learn more about Gen. Flynn and America’s Future, you can visit
