
Former Navy SEAL Rob O'Neill Reveals How Mutilated Osama bin Laden's Face Was After He Shot Him


Ex-Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill was there when SEAL Team 6 finally took out Osama bin Laden.

According to multiple reports, bin Laden’s head was blown apart during the attack — which many considered to be a fitting end to the terrorist leader’s reign.

In gruesome detail, O’Neill confirmed the reports during an Oct. 22 interview with The Daily Caller.

During the interview, O’Neill described with precise detail what happened during the tracking down and execution of bin Laden.

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According to O’Neill, even internet rumors haven’t fully captured the level of brutality bin Laden faced upon execution.

“There’s pictures circulating the internet that aren’t even close to how brutal it was,” O’Neill said.

The sheer firepower used to dispatch bin Laden was “devastating,” O’Neill explained.

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“I shot him three times in the face at close range with a 77-grain hollow-point and that is a devastating round,” the veteran said.

“It split him from here to here,” O’Neill said, as he dragged his finger from the base of his nose to the area between his eyes.

“We poured water on him and I had to squeeze [his head] together to get a picture.”

Some people might think that this was a bit of overkill, that SEAL Team 6 could have, instead, shot bin Laden in the torso.

If anyone who held that position was listening, O’Neill went on to disabuse them of that notion.

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Anyone who would say “well, why’d you do that?” has “obviously never dealt with a suicide bomber,” O’Neil said.

“People have a will to live, and if you shoot them in the chest they don’t — it’s not like Hollywood where they take a gutshot and die. Like, they will live for a long time,” he continued.

The way to dispatch with someone wearing a suicide vest is simply to “take him in the head, ideally in the mouth.”

And that’s exactly how O’Neill and his team took care of Osama bin Laden.

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Michael wrote for a number of entertainment news outlets before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as a staff reporter. He now manages the writing and reporting teams, overseeing the production of commentary, news and original reporting content.
Michael Austin graduated from Iowa State University in 2019. During his time in college, Michael volunteered as a social media influencer for both PragerU and Live Action. After graduation, he went on to work as a freelance journalist for various entertainment news sites before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as a staff reporter.

Since then, Michael has been promoted to the role of Manager of Writing and Reporting. His responsibilities now include managing and directing the production of commentary, news and original reporting content.
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Iowa State University
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