
Fox Host Calls Trey Gowdy a 'Phony' Who has 'Never Done Anything'


Outgoing U.S. Sen. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., who was routinely praised by conservatives for his handling of the Benghazi investigation under the Obama administration, has found a vociferous critic in Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs.

In an interview with Fox Radio host Tom Shillue, Dobbs offered his opinion that the former prosecutor did not go far enough in pursuing charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related to the deaths of four Americans in a 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.

Dobbs, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, has pursued many of the current administration’s theories regarding an ongoing Justice Department probe led by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Gowdy has been among the Republicans urging the party to allow the investigation to continue unimpeded, which has made him the target of Dobbs and others who believe it is, in Trump’s parlance, a “witch hunt.”

When Shillue said he was “a huge fan” of Gowdy during the Benghazi investigation, Dobbs shot back with his own view of history.

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“What did he do? Nothing,” the host claimed. “He’s never done anything!”

Calling Gowdy a “lame duck” and a “phony,” Dobbs’ primary complaint appeared to be that the investigation did not lead to indictments, unlike Mueller’s probe into Russian efforts to impact the 2016 election.

“No indictments, no charges, no revelations,” he said.

Dobbs went on to claim that “nothing has ever happened,” alleging that Gowdy “let Hillary off” in what he framed as ineffective questioning during congressional testimony.

Do you believe Rep. Gowdy is a phony?

“He gets to have, I think, some terrific moments, as he did with Hillary Clinton where, after 11 hours, you know, he’s let her just talk endlessly and never laid a glove on her,” he said.

Shillue interjected, suggesting the political climate under the same administration for which Clinton served made pursuing criminal charges all but impossible.

Dobbs dismissed the host’s call to “be fair” to Gowdy.

“Excuse me?” he said. “Be fair? This is a part of intellectual Armageddon and you want to be fair.”

Dobbs insisted that even if Gowdy could not secure indictments, “he could have at least told us what the facts are, revealed them.”


As Mediaite reported, Dobbs’ opinion of the congressman has apparently shifted in the three years since he believed Gowdy’s service made him “the natural and best choice to be Speaker of the House.”

Continuing a Trump campaign narrative emphasizing the alleged evidence of criminal activity by the Democratic presidential nominee, Dobbs ended his Gowdy critique by rehashing previous Clinton-related controversies.

He claimed that the Clinton Foundation, her family’s non-profit charitable organization, set the stage for the “biggest pay-for-play scandal in American history.”

Dobbs also included her mishandling of sensitive State Department information among the details he said Americans have already learned about Clinton.

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Chris Agee is an American journalist with more than 15 years of experience in a wide range of newsrooms.
Chris Agee is an American journalist with more than 15 years of experience in a variety of newsroom settings. After covering crime and other beats for newspapers and radio stations across the U.S., he served as managing editor at Western Journalism until 2017. He has also been a regular guest and guest host on several syndicated radio programs. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife and son.
Texas Press Association, Best News Writing - 2012
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