
Fox Reporter Reveals Alarming Number of COVID-Positive Migrants Have Inundated 1 Texas City


A reporter for Fox News this week revealed that thousands of COVID-positive migrants had been released in just one Texas border city alone.

On Wednesday, Bill Melugin, a national correspondent for Fox News, reported in a Twitter post that McAllen, Texas, officials had said that the federal government had released over 7,000 infected illegal migrants into the city since February, with upward of 1,500 infected migrants just in the last week.

The post followed a disturbing video Melugin tweeted Monday, where he reported the United States Border Patrol dropping off busloads of illegal immigrants in downtown McAllen every half hour.

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In an article Wednesday, Melugin and fellow Fox reporter Adam Shaw reported that illegal immigrants were being released at a Catholic Charities center where they underwent COVID testing. The migrants who tested positive were then advised to quarantine and were offered rooms to stay in at a designated quarantine site, Melugin and Shaw wrote.

In another Wednesday article, the pair reported that McAllen officials are building temporary shelters to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants.

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The article noted that certain migrant families and individual adults were being deported through the public health protections of Title 42, a part of the federal code that can deny entry to would-be immigrants who carry communicable diseases.

However, unaccompanied children as well as some families with young children are still being released across the United States, Melugin and Shaw reported.

For the month of June, out of more than 55,000 family units that had been apprehended near the border, Title 42 was used to expel fewer than 9,000 of them, Melugin and Shaw wrote.

According to a release from United States Customs and Border Protection, the Border Patrol encountered 188,829 people trying to enter the country along the U.S.-Mexico border in the month of June, including 123,838 “unique new encounters.”

These numbers are shocking, but what I have come to expect out of the Biden administration.

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At a time when some Democrats are suggesting the need to once again institute restrictive measures due to supposed fears surrounding the delta variant of COVID-19, the federal government continues to release infected illegal immigrants into the United States.

There is certainly room for reasonable debate on how exactly we should handle immigration and border security in our country. But the Biden administration’s actions have fallen far out of the realm of reason at this point. The policy of “just let them all loose and we will figure it out later,” is not a plan at all. I know that I am not the only person to feel this way either.

After a federal judge temporarily blocked Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order that would allow state law enforcement to restrict the transportation of infected immigrants, the governor’s office released a statement criticizing the decision and calling out the Biden administration for its role in the crisis.

“The Biden Administration has knowingly—and willfully—released COVID-19 positive migrants into Texas communities, risking the potential exposure and infection of Texas residents. The Governor’s Executive Order attempts to prevent the Biden Administration from spreading COVID-19 into Texas and protect the health and safety of Texans,” the release declared.

Additionally, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz told Fox News on Wednesday that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are endangering Americans all across the country.

“The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was a superspreader event because their open border is endangering not just the people of Texas, but people all across the country,” Cruz said.

So it is that leftists are continuing to talk out of both sides of their mouths, which is par for the course, after all. The proof is in the fact that if the numbers for COVID-19 positive illegal aliens in McAllen were being reported for Texas citizens, Democrats would most certainly be reviving talks about the need to reinstitute a total lockdown.

Try your best to find a response from a Democrat speaking out against the threat posed by illegal border crossers in regards to their potential spread of COVID-19. With the exception of perhaps Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, it is likely that all you will hear is crickets.

That’s because leftists only care about the coronavirus if it can be used to control the American people. They aren’t going to let something like COVID-19 affect their commitment to supporting illegal immigration.

The cognitive dissonance exhibited by those harping about COVID while simultaneously allowing it to spread via illegal immigration is truly and utterly astounding. But, it demonstrates something quite pertinent.

The crisis at the border is continuing to escalate, the delta variant is on the rise, and the Biden administration has no discernible plan for halting the risk that the border crisis poses for our nation’s health.

I can only hope that more Americans are beginning to see through the mixed messages permeating the discussion around the coronavirus and the border, and that more are able to sift through the hypocrisy to observe what is really going on here.

It is all about control — and that is all it ever has been about.

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Jacob Gurney was a Western Journal contributor who started his writing career at his local daily newspaper. He has also written for various online media websites covering politics, sports and video games.
Jacob Gurney was a Western Journal contributor who started his writing career at his local daily newspaper. He has also written for various online media websites covering politics, sports and video games.
