
Fred Weinberg: Biden Will Be Biden, Let Trump Be Trump


Are you as amazed as I am by the “advice” President Trump is getting from both sides on his re-election?

For those of you who were not alive in 1984, it sounds very much like the “advice” Ronald Reagan got.

Trump got himself elected with some help from the Democrats — notably Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. After eight years of Obama, a good chunk of America had had enough. And Clinton compounded that by calling much of that group “deplorable.”

On top of that, Trump did something unusual for a presidential candidate.

He said exactly what he thought and called Hillary to account for her many past sins.

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Now, the so-called right is telling the president to go easy on Obama because he’s “respected” — whatever that means.

The Democrats appear to have selected Joe Biden as their candidate.

And they’re upset when Trump calls him senile or suffering from dementia. Like the old joke goes, who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

And Biden thinks that bringing on a vice-presidential candidate like Stacey Abrams or Gretchen Whitmer will actually help. There are enough nuts flying around the Biden campaign for a Planters commercial.

And the media — both right and left — is telling the president how to campaign? With Joe Biden calling him “Tweety” from his basement?


To steal a line from the 1984 Reagan campaign, let Trump be Trump.

He’s pretty smart, he has a great sense of what works and doesn’t work and, importantly, the 2020 election is his to lose — not Biden’s to win. Biden’s record will be that of the senator from credit-card land, the weak-minded hustler who hasn’t had an original idea even before he was suffering from dementia, the hanger-on whom Obama pulled out of the dustbin because he needed a sycophant as veep.

Yep, that’s who we want as a president. Nevermind the veepstakes, which will also be entertaining.

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You cannot blame Obama for his eight years.

You have to blame the GOP.

John McCain? Mitt Romney? Please.

Donald Trump could go out and lose this election.

But he’s a known quantity.

He hasn’t called a voter a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” in front of a TV camera. But he has — mostly successfully — steered us through the coronavirus pandemic in spite of the hostile media

Another factor working in his favor is that he doesn’t need the job. For him, another term is purely a matter of service.

This is Biden’s last dance and he was never a superstar like Michael Jordan to begin with.

If he doesn’t win, he will just fade off into the sunset like many other senators who were legends in their own minds.

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Fred Weinberg is the publisher of the Penny Press, an online publication based in Reno, Nevada ( He also is the CEO of the USA Radio Networks and several companies which own or operate radio stations throughout the United States. He has spent 53 years in journalism at every level from small town weekly newspapers to television networks. He can be reached at You can subscribe, free, to the Penny Press weekly email on the website.
