
Fred Weinberg: How Dumb Does the Left Think America Is?


So tell me. How stupid does the left think Middle America — that’s my neighbors and you and I — is?

Do you really think we’ll put up with mayhem in Seattle, Chicago and New York?

With police officers being shot and killed in Tulsa?

With a St. Louis family finding it necessary to bring out their guns to defend themselves and their house from a mob and then hear from a district attorney that she is considering bringing charges against not the mob but the property owners?

And, oh yeah, Joe Biden saying that if he were elected, he would sign an executive order making masks mandatory?

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In the words of the Chicago police officers on T-shirts at the Democratic National Convention in 1996, “We kicked your father’s a– in 1968 … Wait ‘til you see what we do to you.”

How much of the hard left’s cave to Black Lives Matter and other assorted anarchists will we put up with until President Trump decides that it’s time to strike back and restore law and order? My educated guess is that we’re behind him 100 percent.

This isn’t about the 2020 election — not for us, anyway.

Do you think President Trump will win re-election in November?

This is about driving down Michigan Avenue in Chicago and not getting shot. Or living in Seattle and not having your property stolen — by a mob. Or not getting murdered in New York.

And if the lefties who are the so-called leadership in every city that is out of control cannot fix it, it’s time for the president to send in the troops. At some point, the federal government will have reason to declare the above actions what they are — violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The same Middle America — the silent majority — that elected Richard Nixon in 1968 will happily send President Trump back for another four years.

And if we don’t — well, we will deserve what we get.

I have been around and in the media for a long time. I have an abiding respect for the judgment and goodwill of my fellow Americans. Have we made mistakes? Of course.

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But the pendulum usually swings back to the middle.

Joe Biden, however, is not out of the question because he is old. I’m old. Trump is old. Old is not inherently bad. In fact, usually, if old is accompanied by good health, it is much better than the alternative.

No, Biden is out of the question because he is completely out of touch with reality.

He has forgotten, as an example, that he made his son Hunter rich by his sleazy actions as vice president.

He has forgotten his position on things like law enforcement (he was for it) so he could maybe get elected.

Sorry, Democrats.

America is just not that stupid.

And if I’m wrong, it can look forward to four years of the last 25 days.

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Fred Weinberg is the publisher of the Penny Press, an online publication based in Reno, Nevada ( He also is the CEO of the USA Radio Networks and several companies which own or operate radio stations throughout the United States. He has spent 53 years in journalism at every level from small town weekly newspapers to television networks. He can be reached at You can subscribe, free, to the Penny Press weekly email on the website.
