
The Future of America: Conservatives Are Fighting for Its Preservation in 2020


What would happen if the 2020 elections were held today? It is an innocent question, but a good one.

Would Donald Trump win in a “prophetically” anticipated Reagan-like victory? Would it be closer than many people imagine it to be?

It is a conversation that many conservatives don’t want to have. Where are we failing?

However painful it may be, it is a necessary conversation to have. Many people have said that 2016 was an election that couldn’t be lost. Many on the conservative side believed it to be a matter of life as we know it in our country to be over.

Were they wrong?

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Imagine Hillary Clinton had won that election. The AOCs and Omars were coming no matter what took place. The calls for gun control, post-birth “abortion” and the Green New Deal would happen no matter what.

The difference is, under another Clinton president, these extreme ideas would not be questioned or argued against — they would be embraced.

Our economy would be in shambles. The entire infrastructure of our society would have fallen within a matter of years.

Whether you love Donald Trump or hate him, he is necessary. He is not just the president that we want, he is the president that we need.

Do you think the 2020 election is a fight for America?

It’s true — we need someone willing to make the hard choices. We need someone who does not care about being liked. We need someone who loves America more than he loves himself.

The 2016 election was a make or break moment for America, and 2020 will be too, as we have even more to lose.

We’ve had 3 years of prosperity under the Trump administration. We now know what it’s like to have a thriving economy, low unemployment, more jobs than workers, a president that actually cares about the black and Hispanic communities.

We have a president who has brought respect back to America.

In 2020, we fight our biggest battle. We are fighting the direct counter to a President Trump.

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We are fighting radicalism. We are fighting a new notion that America is not a great place. We are fighting this new belief that everything we hold dear is wrong. We are fighting for the preservation of every value that built this great nation.

We are fighting for our future, and the future of those that will follow us — posterity, as our Founders put it.

And make no mistake, the Democrats are ready. They have been waiting, plotting and planning for this moment, and they are ready to activate the first-ever millennial-dominated election.

They are ready to try to convince our younger generations that they need to “save us from ourselves.”

We need to regain the spirit of 2016.

We need to remember what we are fighting for, but most of all: who we are fighting for.

Our future begins now, and if we stand together we will keep America great.

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Former army staff sergeant and Turning Point USA contributor Graham Allen is responsible for one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the country.
Former army staff sergeant and Turning Point USA contributor Graham Allen is responsible for one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the country.

Named in HuffPost’s “Veteran Entrepreneurs you should know in 2017,” Graham has since been responsible for over a billion video views, over five million followers, a hit TV Show (Rant Nation) and one of the hottest and fastest-rising podcasts in the nation (Dear America Podcast).

As a rising entrepreneur, Graham is the founder of Graham Allen Media LLC, and Pain is a Liar™ and is editor-in-chief at

A supporter of the veteran, law enforcement, firefighter and first responder community, Graham, along with his wife, started the 501(c)(3) charity The Dear America Foundation.

Graham served two tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
