
Green Laws Are So Oppressive in CA That New Gaming Systems Are Now Outlawed


Gamers in California and five other states are now unable to buy certain gaming systems due to the states’ adoption of oppressive green laws.

According to The Register, one of the world’s leading personal computer manufacturers, Dell, will not be shipping some of its more energy-consuming gaming PCs to California and five other states because they utilize more energy than what standards now allow.

For example, if someone from California were to try and order the Alienware Aurora R12 Gaming Desktop, they will be met with a message alerting them to the fact that they are unable to purchase the item, the outlet reported.

According to The Register, the message from the Dell website states, “This product cannot be shipped to the states of California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont or Washington due to power consumption regulations adopted by those states. Any orders placed that are bound for those states will be canceled.”

In a statement to the outlet, a representative of Dell said that the ban in California of these products is due to the California Energy Commission Tier 2 implementation, which defines energy efficiency standards for desktops, All-in-Ones and mobile gaming PC systems. “Select configurations of the Alienware Aurora R10 and R12 were the only impacted systems across Dell and Alienware,” the spokesperson said.

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While it might not seem like a huge impact right now, we can be almost certain that other brands and products will be impacted in the future due to these guidelines.

In 2016, the CEC unanimously voted to tighten energy standards for appliances, including PCs, making the state the first to introduce limits for energy efficiency for PCs, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The energy efficiency standards define to manufacturers the maximum energy consumption cap for various types of PCs, based on a variety of factors. These requirements fluctuate based on each device and its characteristics, The Register reported. Additionally, it should be noted that, according to Tom’s Hardware, these standards do not apply to people who create Do-It-Yourself computers, so those with the expertise and money can continue to build their own PC to their liking without worry.

The Register reported that Tier 1 of the standards took effect in 2019 and Tier 2 recently went into effect on July 1. Additionally, PCs with the ability to have high-speed networking, as well as certain monitors and multi-screen notebooks, will fall under these standards on Dec. 9, according to the outlet.

Do California's green laws give the government too much power?

A spokesperson for the CEC told The Register that they did not know of any vendors avoiding shipping to California as a result of the additional requirements being implemented.

Is it just me, or is this a frightening sign of things to come if Democrats are free to have their way with the rest of our country? This is just a fraction of what progressives seek to establish with a Green New Deal type of plan.

The left really loves to tout programs designed to combat “climate change,” when in reality, it is merely a facade to hand the government more control over this country. Really, the end game is to have control over every aspect of our society.

Conservatives have long argued against universal healthcare due to the fact that it would give federal bureaucrats complete control over anything regarding our health — or even distantly, kind-of, related to our health. If they can find some way of distorting the facts to make it appear like it really is related to health, they will do so and they will regulate it.

While many leftists are still holding on to their Medicare-for-all dream, it is clear that Democrats have also diversified their portfolio of government control to include energy.

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If you live in one of these aforementioned states, you literally cannot buy these PCs because they consume too much power.

California loves to boast about how much it utilizes renewable energy. Yet, if these means of energy are as productive as people claim they are, why do they need to cut power usage? Moreover, is the amount of gaming PCs in California really offsetting all the green energy production? It doesn’t seem likely.

It seems more feasible — as those on the right have long known — that “extreme” climate change is being used as a cover for the elites to mobilize more government control over the rest of us.

While the amount of PCs impacted by the regulations so far is minimal, more will surely follow. Regarding the future, PC manufacturers will either continue to ban some of their own products in areas where standards are not met, or they will have to alter their product dimensions to meet the standards in these states, resulting in a product that might be lacking to some gamers.

If you are a California resident looking to acquire a top-of-the-line PC gaming system, it seems you may be better off building one yourself. Actually, this may be the only option for certain gamers in these states. That is, until the government comes for DIY PCs the way it has for 3D-printed guns.

Here is the important thing to remember in all this.

Whether it involves health care or energy, or PCs and refrigerators, the government never relinquishes the power to regulate an industry once that power is granted. It never has, and it never will.

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Jacob Gurney was a Western Journal contributor who started his writing career at his local daily newspaper. He has also written for various online media websites covering politics, sports and video games.
Jacob Gurney was a Western Journal contributor who started his writing career at his local daily newspaper. He has also written for various online media websites covering politics, sports and video games.
