
Gunfight Erupts at Marijuana Dispensary, Security Guard Shot 5 Times Is 'Lucky to Be Alive'


A security guard who was shot five times at a marijuana dispensary has admitted he is “happy to be alive.”

According to KENS-TV in San Antonio, Texas, Jonah Duran, who was working at the Purple Dragon Cannabis Dispensary in San Antonio, was the victim of an attack where three men — two of them armed — tried to rob the dispensary.

Jonah had only been in the job at his cousin’s business for a few months when the incident occurred about 3 a.m. Jan. 7, KENS reported.

He opened fire on two of the armed men, dropping one of them.

That man was taken to a hospital in a critical condition.

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The KENS report is below:

The other man returned fire before fleeing the scene with the third man.

In the exchange of fire, Duran was hit multiple and was rushed to  a hospital.

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His mother, Nancy, who has been by his bedside since the incident, told KENS she was grateful her son was still alive.

“It’s very hard for me right now,” she said. “I’m very grateful that they didn’t kill him.”

According to his mother, Duran — a father of three — was shot three times in the neck, once in the hand and once in the leg.

Nancy told KENS that Duran’s father had died at a young age and she would be devastated if the same thing happened to her grandchildren.

However, she maintained that although she wanted the assailants to face justice, she is praying that the wounded gunman will survive.

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“I just to pray to God people have learned a lesson from this,” Nancy said.

Duran’s youngest child is only 8 months old, according to KENS.

“I’m happy I’m still able to be around my kids,” he told the station.

The family has set up a GoFundMe to help cover his medical bills, raising over $10,000 so far.

“Thanks to everyone who’s been showing support, sending prayers, and sending donations for our family,” Duran’s wife, Patricia Sanchez, wrote in an update to donors.

“We are very greatful [sic] and feel the support around the world,” she continued. “My husband is doing better and is also very greatful [sic] he sends his thanks to each and everyone.”

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal


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