
Hillary Clinton Invites Birthday Wishes for Bill, But Then Slams the Door Shut on the Public


Maybe she was afraid Bill Clinton’s accusers might speak up again?

Any American who’s followed Hillary Clinton’s career through the years knows things are rarely what they seem with her — and it seems like that applies to even birthday greetings.

In a Twitter post Wednesday, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state asked readers to join her in wishing her husband, Bill, a happy birthday while posting a picture of the two in their carefree college days.

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“Join me in wishing this young man a happy birthday,” Clinton gushed.

There was a problem, of course. With the Clintons there’s always a problem.

And the problem was, Hillary didn’t actually want anyone who could read her Twitter post to join her in wishing her husband anything.

As a note on the Twitter post made clear for any who tried:

“People @HillaryClinton follows or mentioned can reply,” the limit states.

In other words, she invited the world to comment, then slammed the door on just about anyone who wanted to take her up on it.

That might account for the fact that a Twitter post with 3.5K likes and 21.7K retweets as of early Wednesday afternoon had attracted a paltry four replies.

But what accounts for Clinton’s cold feet – during a week when the Democratic National Convention is dominating the news cycle?

Maybe she realized that while her husband’s transgressions against women over the decades have been largely whitewashed by a political party that sold its soul for power long, long ago, the current vengeful political climate and #MeToo vigilantes of her own political left might not be so cordial to a politician with Bill Clinton’s considerable baggage.

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After all, besides being known as a powerful older man who was sexually serviced by a young woman in the American people’s Oval Office on numerous occasions, Clinton, now 74, is openly accused by other women of crimes ranging from actual rape to sexual assault to sexual harassment that involved a demand for oral sex.

The accusations of former Arkansas nursing home administrator Juanita Broaddrick, former Clinton White House aide Kathleen Willey and former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones have all gotten public airings – Jones actually settled her sexual harassment lawsuit with Clinton for $850,000 in 1998, as The Washington Post reported at the time.

Do you think Hillary was afraid of the replies her post would receive?

But the unspoken, lingering suspicion hangs in the air. This isn’t the Brett Kavanaugh case, where the initial accusations about a phantom “assault” in the early 1980s were suddenly dredged up by Democrats and their media allies to derail a conservative’s nomination to the Supreme Court – then spiraled into a circus beclowned by the likes of the now-disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti and now-Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

The allegations of Broaddrick, who still accuses Clinton of raping her in an Arkansas hotel room in 1978, and Willey, who says Clinton groped her and kissed her in the White House in 1993, have never really gone away.

The fact that all three women campaigned for Donald Trump during the 2016 election has kept their names and their stories still in the public eye.

And, of course, Bill Clinton’s ties with now-deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, recently coming to light again with new pictures of Clinton enjoying a massage from an alleged Epstein victim during a humanitarian mission to Africa in 2002, are still in the news. (Epstein’s plane was used for the trip.)

Or maybe Hillary was afraid of the public reminding of her own exhausting history of scandals – the emails from her time as secretary of state, the dead of Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation depository for foreign rulers to give money, the Russia uranium deal.

Regardless, Clinton’s effort to squelch discussion while inviting the public to “join” her had the kind of blowback Clinton should be used to now after decades of hubris.

Another person in the public eye might hesitate to so arrogantly block out strangers after actually inviting the public to join her in birthday wishes, but Clinton knows she’s utterly untouchable.

She knows the mainstream media will never call her out. It’s been in too deep covering up during the Bill Clinton presidency and her own presidential run to turn on her how.

She knows opinion influencers – celebrities, late-night comedians, the majority of political pundits – are on her side.  They have to be for their own sorry sakes.

But what she can’t control are the voices of the past that have never been silent – accusing her husband of vicious crimes, and accusing her of complicity in them.

Even in her world of wealth and power, even during a week where Democrats should be showcasing their own history, Hillary Clinton’s history leaves her a lot to be afraid of. That Twitter post just admitted it.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
