
Hollywood Actress Jane Fonda Arrested at US Capitol During Climate Change Protest


Actress Jane Fonda was arrested on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Friday morning after participating in a climate change protest.

The 81-year-old Hollywood star and long-time political activist had taken to Washington, D.C., to demand action from Congress on fighting the “existential threat” of climate change, WUSA-TV reported.

Earlier this week, Fonda announced her participation in a program of civil disobedience called “Fire Drill Fridays,” according to The Washington Post.

“I’m going to take my body … and I’m going to go to D.C. and I’m going to have a rally every Friday,” Fonda told The Post.

“It’ll be called ‘Fire Drill Friday.’ And we’re going to engage in civil disobedience and we’re going to get arrested every Friday.”

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That’s exactly what has happened so far. Fonda was joined by a handful of other activists at the Capitol and was not the only one arrested.

A crowd can be heard chanting “We love you Jane” in footage captured by WUSA reporter Mike Valerio as Fonda is led away by police officers.

Do you think Fonda's protests will be an effective tactic for climate change activists?

Fonda credited fellow activist, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg with her new approach to climate change.

She told The Post that after hearing about Thunberg’s activism, “the urgency came into my DNA the way it hadn’t before.”

The octogenarian actress has also developed a series of demands for lawmakers.

“The number one thing is cutting all funding and permits for new developments for fossil fuel and exports and processing and refining,” she said.

Fonda stressed what she sees as the urgency of her protests.

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“It’s as simple as this. We have according to the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] 12 years, but that was a year ago.

“So according to their report we have 11 years left. Eleven years to do something that has never been done in human history.

“And if we don’t do it, huge parts of the planet are going to be uninhabitable, by the way.”

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