
House Dems Launch Investigation Into Arizona Audit, Demand Answers from Auditors for Advancing 'Big Lie'


U.S. House Democrats issued a 13-page letter to Cyber Ninjas CEO Douglas Logan on Wednesday, requesting documents pertaining to the Maricopa County audit in Arizona — including who is paying the price.

According to the Arizona Republic, the House Oversight and Reform Committee cited Cyber Ninjas’ “lack of experience, its reported mismanagement” and took a jab at Logan himself by mentioning his own “bias and history of embracing conspiracy theories related to the election.”

It’s an interesting turn of events in Arizona’s election audit. And it’s bringing the election integrity issue to a national scale.

Since November, discussions about election integrity have become increasingly common. Some states have even proposed or passed voting bills in hopes of fairer, more secure future elections and, needless to say, they’ve met some resistance. (Georgia and Texas, anyone?)

But surrounding all of the establishment media buzz and rampant accusations of voter suppression, we have a real issue on our hands.

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This time, it’s not just about election integrity; it’s also about oversight.

Suffice it to say, the federal government (yes, the House Oversight and Reform Committee in this case) exerts no authority over state elections, but that won’t stop House Democrats from trying.

In the committee’s condescending letter, the Democrats attacked Logan on claims that he “sought to advance the ‘big lie’ of debunked voter fraud allegations [from] the November 2020 presidential election,” and questioned whether Cyber Ninjas’ audit efforts would actually benefit election integrity going forward.

“We are concerned about your company’s role in this highly unusual effort, given Cyber Ninjas’ apparent lack of experience in conducting election-related audits,” the letter states.

Do you believe Arizona's election audit will yield positive results for Republicans?

“Reports that the company engaged in sloppy and insecure audit practices that compromised the integrity of ballots and voting equipment and were questioned by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ); and evidence that you and other individuals funding the audit have sought to advance the ‘big lie’ of debunked voter fraud allegations in the November 2020 presidential election.”

The committee’s letter goes on to mention that the right to vote is protected by the Constitution (it’s not, by the way), and questions whether Cyber Ninjas’ efforts would advance voting rights or would instead “promote baseless conspiracy theories” and “undermine confidence in America’s elections.”

We’ve heard those buzz phrases from the left time and again.

Interestingly enough, though, House Dems have forgotten one inconvenient truth: Arizona’s state legislature reserves every right to conduct this audit as it deems appropriate.

Consider appropriate audit practices outlined by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, for instance.

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Though the rules vary between states, the general consensus remains that audits are conducted locally, under the supervision of state officials or independent auditors, and are typically performed under the supervision of the state’s chief election official (just to name a few guidelines).

Where does Congress fall into the equation?

Congress does establish a few guidelines for audits or recounts, according to the EAC’s document, (e.g. recounts that will determine the state’s electoral votes must occur between election day and the day the Electoral College convenes), but states themselves reserve the right to perform audits to ensure their elections are fair and secure going forward.

So, which is more important to House Democrats? “Undermining” trust in America’s election process or bolstering that trust?

The left doesn’t seem to care much for those who feel as if their votes weren’t counted and their voices weren’t heard.

Instead, they revert back to the same “undermining trust” allegation.

Since a significant number of Arizonans — and Americans in general  — still doubt the legitimacy of the last presidential election, they deserve to have their faith in America’s election process restored.

After all, there should be nothing to hide.

Watch the full Senate hearing on the Arizona audit here.

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