
House Party Turns to Horror After Man is Swallowed Whole by 43-Foot-Deep Whirlpool


What was supposed to be a fun pool party for a marketing company in Israel ended with one of the employees drowning.

Klil Kimhi, 32, was found dead Thursday after getting engulfed by a 43-foot sinkhole that opened up at the bottom of the swimming pool, according to BBC News.

The rescue team reportedly had to work for four hours to reach him, officially pronouncing his death once finding him, according to The Times of Israel.

A second person slipped and was almost dragged down in the sinkhole; however, the individual managed to climb out, barely avoiding death.

A Twitter account with the username of @kann_news shared the video of the sinkhole as well as the site of its aftermath.

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One of the witnesses told The Times of Israel that the sinkhole swallowed Kimhi in a matter of seconds.

She said that she shouted at her colleagues to get out of the pool as soon as the sinkhole opened.

But her words weren’t taken seriously and instead the swimmers thought she was playing some sort of game.

“Seconds later, the ground just dropped… I watched two people just disappear,” she added.

Another witness stated that about 50 people were at the scene when the sinkhole opened up.

“The water level suddenly started receding and a hole opened up, creating a vortex that swept two people inside,” the witness stated.

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The couple who owned the pool, both in their 60s, have been accused of causing death by negligence, according to NBC.

According to The Times of Israel, the owner had built the pool without proper permission, despite the site having infrastructure problems.

The two were arrested on Thursday; however, on Friday, the court decided to put them under “restrictive conditions of house arrest” for five days, NBC reported.

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