
House Speaker Mike Johnson Hit with Motion to Vacate After Just 4 Months on the Job


Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia filed a motion to remove the gavel from House Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday morning after she categorized the GOP’s handling of its slim majority as an abject failure.

The motion, and the displeasure of other conservatives with Johnson, could see the Louisiana Republican ousted after four months as speaker.

Greene’s move came after he worked with Democrats to pass an appropriations bill totaling $1.2 trillion early Friday to fund the government throughout the remainder of the year, NBC News reported.

Johnson finds himself in a similar spot as his predecessor, former Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California.

McCarthy was removed as speaker following a historically short tenure when he cut a similar deal with Democrats last year.


Greene would like to see Johnson ousted over Friday’s spending bill, which will now head to the Senate.

The Georgia Republican railed against the speaker during a short interview with CNN’s Manu Raju outside of the Capitol on Friday.

She said the funding passed by the House ignores the border crisis while also offering tax dollars for abortion procedures.

Greene shared the interview on the social media platform X and unloaded on the GOP-controlled House under Johnson.

“The ‘Republican-controlled’ House just passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill that doesn’t secure our border, but funds full term abortion and trans ideology on our youth,” she wrote.

“I filed a Motion to Vacate because the House needs a Speaker who’s able to win for Republicans and our constituents,” Greene said.

The congresswoman also shared an image of a one-page resolution to remove Johnson without comment as voting on the funding bill was underway:

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Johnson had faced the ire of Greene on Thursday evening before the funding bill passed.

“We need a Speaker of the House who will fight to secure America’s border at all cost!” she posted on social media.

Should Johnson be replaced as speaker?

“Not one that passes a trillion dollar Democrat wish list that continues the border invasion, funds the weaponized government, and breaks our own conference rules,” the congresswoman said.

While referring to Johnson in his position as speaker, she concluded, “I’m done with this one.”

The Associated Press reported that with a House recess beginning Friday afternoon, it is unlikely Greene’s resolution to oust Johnson will pick up any momentum in the short term.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
