
Hunter Biden Files Telling Legal Motion After Sweetheart Plea Deal Backfires Horribly


For all the speeches President Joe Biden and his entire administration have given about “privilege” and social disparities, there is no one more entitled, privileged, spoiled and full of himself than the first son, Hunter Biden.

The sweetheart plea agreement between federal prosecutors and Hunter Biden fell apart Wednesday. The judge declined to sign off on the deal, commenting, “You are telling me to rubber stamp the agreement,” according to CBS News.

And now Hunter Biden’s legal team has asked the court to keep certain materials “under seal.”

The materials in question contain confidential and sensitive information, including grand jury materials and taxpayer information, according to a filing Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware.

Biden’s lawyers argued that such materials would be “prejudicial” and said the fact that some of the materials may have been disclosed earlier by the U.S. House of Representatives does not strip them of their protections.

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“These filings include several hundred pages of exhibits containing allegations, innuendo, and unverified claims regarding Defendant and the very matters before the Court,” the filing said. “Defense counsel wishes to maintain these materials under seal, to protect Defendant from the disclosure on the public docket of potentially prejudicial information about an ongoing criminal

“Under the circumstances, the temporary and continued sealing of such records to prevent undue and irreparable prejudice to a defendant in a criminal case, is both warranted and serves the ends of justice.”

With the allegations of bribery and corruption surrounding Hunter and his father, one would think the Bidens would be happy to let all tax documents into the public record to end the speculation if there were nothing more to hide.

But “nothing more to hide” doesn’t seem to be a term the Bidens are familiar with. The rabbit hole of their seemingly unscrupulous, unethical and illegal dealings goes too deep to reach the end of.

Should the evidence on Hunter Biden be released to the public?

According to CBS News, on July 19, IRS whistleblowers testified to the House Oversight Committee about the tax investigation involving Hunter Biden. Joseph Ziegler, the lead IRS case agent, described himself as a Democrat and revealed that he recommended multiple felonies and misdemeanors charges against Hunter Biden in 2021.

Ziegler said investigators found evidence suggesting improper business deductions claimed by Hunter Biden for personal expenses like his children’s college tuition, hotel bills and payments to escorts. However, their attempts to further investigate these matters were obstructed.

Ziegler expressed frustration, believing the investigation was limited and wondering about potential findings if they hadn’t been restricted.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, a Republican, submitted a court brief urging the judge to consider the testimony of IRS whistleblowers when deciding on the agreement.

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On Tuesday, someone from Hunter Biden’s lawyers’ office allegedly tried to impersonate a Republican lawyer to have the letter removed from court filings — like teenagers calling the principal’s office in their mom’s voice to tell him their “son” won’t be at school.

The juvenile behavior continued during the hearing Wednesday. According to CBS News, after the deal fell apart, Hunter Biden’s attorney, Christopher Clark, shouted at the prosecutors, “This was all negotiated! I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish. We’ll rip it up!”

It feels as though Hunter Biden got his lawyers in a two-for-one deal at the home of one of his cocaine dealers, but someone should tell them that ripping a court document won’t make the charges go away.

And sealing the tax documents of the son of the president does not mean the truth won’t come out.

Whether or not these particular documents get sealed, the dominos have started to fall for the Bidens, and there is finally hope that justice will be served.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
