
Investigation Underway After Islamic Hadith Is Displayed on Main Departure Board


In 2019, a research study showed that a third of Britons believed that Islam was a threat to their way of life and that there were certain areas in Britain that were Muslim controlled “no go” areas.

The research by the group Hope Not Hate said this perception has given rise to intolerance towards Muslims driven by economic inequality, particularly in post-industrial and coastal towns, according to UK’s The Guardian.

This month, The Guardian published another piece calling “no go areas” a debunked conspiracy theory circulating from the early 2000s and only believed by many of UK’s Conservative party.

But is that really the truth, or is the British media whitewashing the truth much as the American media hides the truth about illegal immigration?

Here’s another example of how Islamic influence is not just taking over certain areas of Britain but also making its way into the mainstream.

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On Tuesday, the ninth day of the Muslim festival of Ramadan, a sign displaying an Islamic message was displayed on the main train departure board at London’s King’s Cross station.

The message, a hadith or religious saying attributed to Muhammad, who Muslims claim was a prophet, was displayed prominently on the main departure board at King’s Cross station, according to the BBC.

This screen is typically reserved for showing train schedules and platform information. However, on this occasion, it instead featured a quote beginning with “Day 9,” followed by a chapter and verse reference, and the text: “All the sons of Adam are sinners but the best of the sinners are those who repent often,” according to a photograph published by the BBC.

Network Rail, the operator of King’s Cross station, told BBC News that the Islamic passage should not have been displayed on that main board but added that they “celebrate all the big religious festivals from Christmas to Ramadan at King’s Cross to reflect our diverse passenger and employee base.”

They said they were investigating why “general Ramadan celebratory messages weren’t used” and added that “All has now been corrected.”

But has it?

Let’s keep in mind that this was not a general “Happy Ramadan” greeting.

It was a specific hadith or scripture calling “sinners” to repent.

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This is the same country where a Christian woman was arrested twice for praying silently on the sidewalk outside an abortion clinic, according to Fox News.

Although she was later acquitted of all charges, the case raises the question of whether the person who posted the hadith on a public board meant for vital information will receive any criminal charges.

What would happen to an employee of the railroad if they had put up John 3:16 at Christmas?

In his 2021 book, “Among The Mosques: A Journey Across Muslim Britain,” Muslim author Ed Husain painted a worrying picture of divided communities after visiting and investigating mosques and Muslim populations across the country, according to the Daily Mail.

Was this an appropriate place for an Islamic hadith?;

Husain, who was himself radicalized as a youth before rejecting extremism, found pockets across the country where some Muslim communities appear to be living in parallel societies, isolated from mainstream British culture and values.

Husain said that he was shocked by the lack of integration, with some Muslims living “physically in Britain but mentally living elsewhere.”

Perhaps one-third of British citizens are not as deluded as the media would like to portray them.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
