
Jeff Bezos' $60M Investment Undercut by Ron DeSantis After the Florida Governor Signs Ban


Shortly after liberal billionaire Jeff Bezos moved to Florida and sank $60 million into pushing the mass distribution of lab-grown meats, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis banned the sale of “Frankenmeat” in the Sunshine State.

The uncanny timeline of events is hilarious.

In November, the Amazon founder announced he was moving to Miami after spending three decades in Seattle, the headquarters of his e-commerce empire.

In March, climate alarmist Bezos — who jetsets around the world in gas-guzzling private planes — invested $60 million to facilitate the production of meat cultivated in labs using animal cells, citing environmental concerns.

A news release announcing the investment said the money will “establish Bezos Centers for Sustainable Protein as part of the Bezos Earth Fund’s $1 billion commitment to food transformation.”

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“We need to feed 10 billion people with healthy, sustainable food throughout this century while protecting our planet. We can do it, and it will require a ton of innovation,” Bezos‘ fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, said in a statement.

On May 1, DeSantis signed legislation banning the sale of lab-grown meat in Florida.

“Today, Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals,” the governor said in a statement.

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“Our administration will continue to focus on investing in our local farmers and ranchers, and we will save our beef,” he said.

DeSantis added, “While the World Economic Forum is telling the world to forgo meat consumption, Florida is increasing meat production, and encouraging residents to continue to consume and enjoy 100% real Florida beef.”

The left-wing advocacy group masquerading as a nonpartisan nongovernmental organization has been making a rabid push for the global consumption of fake meat, citing the alleged existential threat of “climate change.”

“If we replace meat-based proteins with alternative proteins, we can drastically reduce global warming, water use and land use by over 80% in Europe alone,” the WEF said in a January 2023 statement.

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However, a May 2023 pre-print study by scientists at the University of California, Davis found that the global warming potential of lab-grown meat is four to 25 times greater than farmed meat.

“Lab-grown meat, which is cultured from animal cells, is often thought to be more environmentally friendly than beef because it’s predicted to need less land, water and greenhouse gases than raising cattle,” researchers said in a news release announcing their report.

Edward Spang, an author of the UC Davis study, warned that lab-grown meat is not quite ready for prime time.

“Our findings suggest that cultured meat is not inherently better for the environment than conventional beef. It’s not a panacea,” said Spang, an associate professor in the university’s Department of Food Science and Technology.

“It’s possible we could reduce its environmental impact in the future, but it will require significant technical advancement to simultaneously increase the performance and decrease the cost of the cell culture media,” he added.

Lab-grown meats might eventually prove to be a good idea, but why not wait for more research to be done before nagging everyone to hop on the Frankenmeat bandwagon?

In the meantime, Bezos likely will have to leave Florida the next time he has a hankering for “sustainable protein.”

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