
Jill Biden Takes Subtle Jab at Melania Trump with Jacket at G7


Remember when the media had a total meltdown in 2018 over then-first lady Melania Trump’s jacket that read, “I really don’t care, do u?” At the time, she was visiting an Immigration and Customs Enforcement child detention center in Texas.

The elegant and stylish first lady received an absolutely absurd amount of negative coverage from establishment media outlets champing at the bit to suggest her jacket was some sort of indirect hateful message for children being held at the southern border.

So when current first lady Jill Biden wore a black blazer with the word “Love” bedazzled on the back while in Cornwall, England, ahead of the G7 world leaders summit on Thursday, her fashion choice was not lost on Americans.

When asked about her taunting article of clothing, Biden said she was supporting worldwide unity.

“We’re bringing love from America,” Biden said. “This is a global conference, and we’re trying to bring unity across the globe.”

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Nothing says unity like subtly bashing your predecessor at a global level.

While her many praise-worthy initiatives were often overlooked, Trump faced heavy criticism following her visit to McAllen, Texas, with establishment media outlets bringing up the controversy for months following.

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The outfit was considered insensitive and thoughtless since the shelter housed migrant children that had been separated from their parents. According to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, however, Trump clarified that the jacket was directed at her critics in the media, not children at the border.

“I want to show the [left-wing media] that I don’t care. You could criticize whatever you want to say, but it will not stop me to do what I feel is right,” Trump said in an interview five months after the incident took place.

“I would prefer that they would focus on what I do and on my initiatives [rather] than what I wear.”

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Biden, on the other hand, cited COVID-19 as the rationale behind her blazer’s message.

“I think that’s important right now, that people have — feel a sense of unity from, for all the countries and feel a sense of hope after this year of the pandemic,” Biden said.

While Trump’s outfit was fashionable and casual, Biden’s “Love” blazer sat atop a $2,390 high-necked black and white polka dot dress, complete with thick black heels — a bit reminiscent of Cruella de Vil, straight out of the 1961 Disney film “101 Dalmatians.”

Considering the fact that the G7 summit incorporates leaders from various countries worldwide and both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are not doing particularly well on the world stage at the moment, perhaps Jill Biden was hoping to make up for the United States’ embarrassing showing by supposedly promoting a message of unity and love.

Or perhaps she was hoping to spite the former occupants of the White House, as that is apparently the Biden administration’s best fallback. Never mind my husband’s $6 trillion budget proposal — look at how I just topped Melania Trump!

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Tarra Snyder is an assignment editor at The Western Journal. Previously, she wrote freelance for WCCO-AM in Minnesota and worked for the Republican Party of Minnesota as a media communications intern.
Tarra Snyder is an assignment editor at The Western Journal. Previously, she wrote freelance for WCCO-AM in Minnesota and worked for the Republican Party of Minnesota as a media communications intern.
