
Jim Carrey Attacks Kent State Grad Posing With AR in Controversial Portrait


Actor Jim Carrey veered from painting satirical depictions of White House officials and took aim Friday at a former Kent State University student for her gun-toting graduation photos.

The artwork by Carrey was posted to Twitter and depicted Kaitlin Bennett posing on the Ohio campus with her AR-10 with a leering “devil” watching her.

“And the devil said, ‘Thanks a bunch Goldilocks. Enjoy the show in Santa Fe tomorrow. Someday, real soon, I’ll have you for dinner,'” Carrey captioned the painting.

Carrey included Santa Fe as a reference to the high school shooting that took place earlier that day and left 10 people dead and multiple injured.

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While many applauded Carrey’s work, which was deemed just as controversial as Bennett’s original photos, the graduate herself responded to the actor, calling the artist’s work “disgusting.”

“Jim you should be the one in this picture with this caption,” Bennett Tweeted. “You’re the one that supports gun control policies that let these kids die. Is this what you have to do because you’ve become irrelevant? Disgusting. #GunControlKills.”

Bennett herself has faced harsh criticism for the photos from gun-control activists, as many pointed out  that her Ohio campus is the site where four university students were killed by the Ohio National Guard in 1970.

Do you think the painting by Carrey went too far?

She has taken to Twitter several times to defend herself, sometimes against former school shooting survivors, and suggests the photos were to express her Second Amendment right.

And while some were supportive, others called out the Ohio graduate for the “attention-seeking” photos.

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On Saturday, Bennett said she would be getting her Twitter account verified due to “left-wing celebrities who are also drawing pictures of me.”

This isn’t the first time Carrey has used painting to express controversial issues. Earlier this week he posted a painting of incoming National Rifle Association President Oliver North as a snake.

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ASU grad who loves all things reading and writing.
Becky is an ASU grad who uses her spare time to read, write and play with her dog, Tasha. Her interests include politics, religion, and all things science. Her work has been published with ASU's Normal Noise, Phoenix Sister Cities, and "Dramatica," a university-run publication in Romania.
Bachelor of Arts in English/Creative Writing
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