
Judge Merchan Makes Shocking Decision About Trump Going to Barron's Graduation


As if the injustices inherent to his innumerable trials were not enough, former President Donald Trump has been forced to endure the capricious whims of his judges regarding his own personal life.

However, on Tuesday the presiding judge for Trump’s hush money case made a rather surprising decision regarding the high school graduation of Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump.

According to The New York Times, Judge Juan M. Merchan has decided, after weeks of Trump protesting the injustice of being forced to remain in New York for the momentous occasion, to let Trump attend the graduation after all.

Newsweek reporter Katherine Fung, who has been updating all of the social media platform X on the hush money trial from inside the courtroom, informed users that “Trump will be allowed to attend Barron’s graduation on May 17, Merchan rules. He says that with the trial moving per schedule, it will ‘not be a problem’ for Trump to attend his son’s high school graduation.”

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Taking place at Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida, on May 17, it had appeared, in the weeks leading up to the trial brought by New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg regarding the “hush money” Trump allegedly paid porn actress Stormy Daniels, that the judge would not be so merciful, the Daily Caller reported.

Trump had previously been unable to contain his frustration that this trial might make him miss this important day in his youngest son’s life.

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Trump said, “That I can’t go to my son’s graduation or that I can’t go to the United States Supreme Court. That I’m not in Georgia, or Florida, or North Carolina campaigning like I should be … It’s perfect for the radical left Democrats. It’s exactly what they want.”

After all, Merchan had prevented Trump from attending the Supreme Court hearings on April 25 regarding Trump’s own presidential immunity case.

So, how could Trump have any inkling that Merchan might show some leniency for this event?

Indeed, it really should never have been a question of whether or not Trump could attend his son’s graduation.

The only reason it had been a question was because of left’s unbending cruelty towards Trump and their demented desire to make Trump’s life as miserable as possible while undergoing these unjust trials.

Letitia James tried to force Trump to pay a half a billion dollar fine for a “fraud” none of his banks or clients had ever complained about, and Judge Engoron forced Trump to choose between attending his mother-in-law’s funeral or attending his own trial.

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It’s been hard to shake the impression that these legal cases have been personally motivated vendettas against Trump.

This particular instance, of leaving Trump in suspense over whether or not he could attend his son’s graduation, was just cruel.

Indeed, Trump had to talk about this for weeks before Judge Merchan could finally be bothered to make a decision, as if he, or Bragg, just wanted to watch Trump suffer before they finally gave him permission.

And it hasn’t just been the different legal teams circling Trump like vultures.

Trump has continued to receive attacks on all sides from the far-left media. (The New York Times article on the subject even subtly belittled Trump’s frustration, saying the former president “loudly complained.”)

At the end of the day, Trump should be allowed to attend his son’s graduation.

The fact that there was even doubt about it just showed how much the left despises Trump and wants to punish him unjustly.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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