Lifestyle & Human Interest

Justin Bieber and Wife Hailey Baldwin Celebrate Joint Baptism, Confess Faith in Jesus


Justin Bieber is a household name, perhaps because he enjoyed fame at a young age. As he grew — thanks to his celebrity status — his mistakes and poor choices were incredibly public.

But he didn’t stop there. He kept living, he kept growing and — surprising to many — he became a Christian.

Now, Bieber is just as public about his faith and understanding of Jesus as he was about purely worldly topics before.

“I really took a deep dive in my faith. … I believed in Jesus but I never really, like, when it says following Jesus is actually turning away from sin, and so there’s no, what it talks about it in the Bible, there’s no faith without obedience,” he told Apple Music’s Zane Lowe in February.

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Bieber was raised as Christian but says his understanding of God was knowledge without real faith. Now, he is putting his belief on full display.

“Jesus is the answer to our shame, guilt, condemnation, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, selfishness the list goes on,” he shared on Instagram on July 31. “Jesus came to bring healing!”

“I don’t know what idea of Jesus you have but Jesus came to save us. He came to sacrifice himself on the cross so that you and I could have a way out. Jesus took the punishment of our wrongs so that we can walk with God with no insecurities or shame. So we can walk in the FULLNESS OF ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR US!!”

“God has a full extraordinary life for you. Do you trust God enough to let go of some things? (greed, bitterness, unforgiveness etc) give it to God he welcomes us with open arms and he isn’t surprised by our mess. My hope is in a person and his name is Jesus.”

The musician has been singing worship music and getting involved in church services. During quarantine, according to The Christian Post, he also has hosted remote church services with Judah Smith, his pastor.

But now, both he and his wife, Hailey Baldwin, have followed Jesus in baptism, and they shared the news and proof on social media on Wednesday.

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“The moment @haileybieber my wife and I got baptized together!” he shared. “This was one of most special moments of my life. Confessing our love and trust in Jesus publicly with our friends and family.”

The couple had to work through their pasts together, and they’ve addressed their journey on their Facebook Watch series.

“We both had made mistakes,” Bieber said during one episode. “And, you know, I think when we understand how much God’s forgiven us and given us grace, it gives us the ability to give each other grace.”

Beiber encourages people to see that Jesus is approachable and hopes that his public testimony will help those in similar circumstances.

“Jesus wasn’t this religious elite guy … but he was in the dirt, and he found me in my dirt and pulled me out,” Bieber told Lowe.

“I never want to be someone that’s trying to persuade anyone to believe in what I believe. I think God persuades people.

“But I definitely want to tell my story so that if that resonates with anybody they can hopefully learn from it.”

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