
Kamala Harris Skips High-Profile Border Security Meeting in Mexico, Found Playing Bingo in New Jersey Instead


America’s “border czar” played bingo and bought cupcakes on Friday instead of joining a high-level meeting on border security in Mexico City.

Vice President Kamala Harris was dispatched to New Jersey for a photo op at a daycare center at Montclair State University and at a vaccination site in Newark, according to Fox News. While in Newark, she also made a pit stop at a local bakery, according to the New York Post.

During her trip to the vaccination site, she said the Biden administration is winning the fight against COVID-19, according to

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“There will be an end to this,” she said. “We really feel we are starting to get in front of this.”

As Harris posed, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Attorney General Merrick Garland were in Mexico City for meetings with Mexican officials about the illegal migration crisis that has overwhelmed the southern border.

In March, Harris was tasked with managing the Biden administration’s response to the crisis.

Since then, she has made one foreign trip to Central America and Mexico. In June, several hundred thousand illegal immigrant arrivals ago, she made a brief trip to the border.

Should Harris be replaced as America's 'border czar'?

This week, 11 Republican senators led by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio sent President Joe Biden a letter saying the border crisis needs to be in different hands.

“We write to ask that you appoint a new Border Czar to replace Vice President Harris, who completely failed to work with neighboring countries to stem the flow of illegal migrants into our country and secure the border. In fact, things have only gotten worse since her appointment as Border Czar,” the letter read.

The letter noted that “from August 2020 to August 2021, there has been a 317 percent increase in encounters at the border. The current surge is the largest in 20 years as illegal border crossings have increased substantially since you took office.”

“Despite these alarming numbers, the Vice President only visited the southern border once, and that visit was hundreds of miles from the epicenter of the surge.

“Even her trip to Guatemala and Mexico intended to address the ‘root causes’ of illegal immigration into America was a public relations disaster with absolutely no substantive policy commitments from neighboring countries,” the senators wrote.

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“Many of these migrants — despite originally being from Haiti — reported they came from South and Central America. Many stated that they made the dangerous journey because you, and Vice President Harris, promised to open America’s borders,” the letter continued.

“Vice President Harris has done absolutely nothing to help secure our border, develop a strategy to partner with our neighbors, or even talk to the American people about the border crisis.

“It is stunning that America’s Border Czar was silent as thousands of Haitian migrants illegally crossed the border, and set up a de facto refugee camp in America.

“Now, with estimates that tens of thousands of additional migrants are headed toward the southern border, it is essential you replace Vice President Harris as Border Czar with someone more qualified and engaged for this important role,” the letter read.

Noting that the border has been an “unmitigated disaster” under Biden and that “many of your policies are making the situation worse,” the senators said America needs a border czar “who is prepared, and willing to engage, to address the crisis at the southern border.”

In comments to Fox News on Thursday, Rubio said the situation at the border is the Biden administration’s fault.

“If you talk to people at the border, people that have crossed, they will all tell you the same thing: They expect to get into the United States, they expect to enter, they expect to be released pending an asylum hearing that many have no intention to show up for,” he said.

“No nation on earth can have the open border we basically have now and just tell anyone who wants to come to please show up. You can’t do it. But that’s what this administration thinks they are going to do. And if Kamala Harris is the one in charge of this, they need to find somebody else and fast.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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