
'I'm Kind of a Jerk': Carlson Mocks Implosion of 2 GOP Hopefuls During Interview with Beck


When it comes to tough interviews, Republican contenders for the 2024 presidential election may have someone who can damage them more than even the liberal establishment media — conservative commentator Tucker Carlson.

The former Fox News host may have effectively obliterated a couple of presidential campaigns with his tough line of questioning during the Family Leadership Summit forum on Friday in Des Moines, Iowa.

Some did better than others.

However, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and former Vice President Mike Pence faced severe backlash on social media due to their answers to Carlson’s questions, which did not beat around the bush about issues key to Republicans that other media outlets avoid.

Hutchinson’s comments about child gender transitions and Pence’s remarks about Ukraine and the Capitol incursion of Jan. 6, 2021, drew significant criticism. You could tell that Pence was visibly angry with Carlson, which did not help him as the former host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” is still wildly popular with conservatives.

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However, Carlson said later that it was Pence’s remarks about religious freedom in Ukraine that really “spun me up.”

TurningPoint USA founder Charlie Kirk made a point of posting the video of the Carlson’s exchange with Pence:

That prompted Pence to respond on Twitter, with his full response. However, the damage may already have been done.

During a wrap-up of the Iowa event, conservative commentator and radio host Glenn Beck asked Carlson if he thought any of the candidates would be able to take on the deep state — the intelligence agencies and federal bureaucracy of Washington, D.C.

Did Pence and Hutchinson preform terribly during the forum?

“Pretty tough, pretty tough,” Carlson responded. “There’s a lot of power vested in federal agencies … theres no oversight at all. Congress provides no oversight. Intel Committees do not oversee the intel agencies. They are controlled by the intel agencies.”

“There’s no backstop,” Carlson said, emphasizing the need for necessary housecleaning within the system. He noted that the candidates’ stance on this issue would play a crucial role in the campaign.

Beck openly admitted to bursting into laughter at the responses provided by certain candidates. Hutchinson found himself on the receiving end of laughter from both Carlson and Beck for saying he was not defending administering hormones to kids as “treatment.”

Carlson mocked Hutchinson’s response: “Really? I think you are,” Carlson said.

“That’s not exactly an F. Lee Bailey cross-examination, Carlson said. “I’m not an O.J. lawyer. It’s pretty simple.”

Beck later compared the moment to the Hindenburg going down.

Carlson made no excuses for his hard line of questioning, saying, “It was an audience of super nice people, and obviously, you know, I’m kind of a jerk on some level so I did try to tone it down.”

That could definitely be seen during his break and coming back to interview Nikki Haley.

But, Carlson said Pence’s response to Carlson’s question about freedom of religion in Ukraine.

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During the interview, Pence initially refused to admit that clergy in Ukraine are being persecuted for speaking up against the government.

“You can’t be like, ‘I’m for religious freedom, except for, like, priests who say things the government disagrees with, they can be arrested. Huh?” Carlson said.

Carlson’s unique ability to get to the heart of the matter allowed him to skillfully highlight the shortcomings of Pence and Hutchinson and, to some extent, Tim Scott during their interviews.

The lackluster performances of some of the contenders and troubling responses have dealt a blow to their chances of gaining significant support among the Republican base in the future.

Meanwhile, Carlson’s authenticity and ability to tackle critical issues have further cemented his position as a trusted voice for Republicans.

Candidates at various levels will now be seeking to kiss his ring, understanding the sway he holds over conservative voters.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
