
Kyle Rittenhouse 2.0? NY DA to Make Major Move in Jordan Neely Case Next Week - Report


As early as next week, a New York City grand jury could look into Monday’s chokehold death of a man who was threatening passengers on a subway, a report claims.

It appears as though prosecutors in the city might seek to sacrifice a man who appeared to act to protect himself and others in order to appease angry leftists.

The country saw the same thing in 2020 when then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was put on a show trial for justifiably killing people he feared might kill him during a riot.

On Monday, Jordan Neely, 30, reportedly threatened passengers on a subway train and otherwise acted erratically.

Neely said he wanted food and that he was willing to harm people, witnesses said.

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New York City has seen a lot of violence on the trains in recent years. And yet, the city often refuses to put dangerous people behind bars. Naturally, people in Neely’s subway car were afraid.

They acted quickly to take down Neely.

Three people ultimately subdued him while a 24-year-old Marine veteran named Daniel Penny put him in a fatal chokehold, per a coroner.

WARNING: The following social media posts contain videos with language some viewers might find offensive.

Penny is white, while Neely was black, so the rest of this story is predictable.

The veteran has already been painted as a murderer by two House Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, as the far-left has made the veteran’s skin color a factor in the incident.

Protesters spent Thursday night in Brooklyn raising black-power fists and demanding justice, so this incident appears to be taking a familiar trajectory.

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Right on time, it has been reported Penny’s actions are going to be reviewed by a grand jury, according to WABC-TV.

The outlet reported:

“A law enforcement source familiar with the investigation tells ABC News the probe into the subway chokehold death is continuing. The case is likely to go to a grand jury next week in order for the panel to determine whether criminal charges are warranted and, if so, what they would be.”

Detectives have interviewed Penny and most of the other people who were on the train.

The Marine veteran has reportedly told them he meant to subdue Neely and had no intention to harm him.

Neely reportedly had dozens of prior arrests, so why he was free to walk the streets is a question in its own right. Newsweek reported four of those arrests were for assault.

Should the Marine veteran be charged with Neely’s death?

But the big question is, does New York City intend to give Penny the Rittenhouse treatment?

Will the city’s far-left prosecutors seek to jail a person who potentially stopped violence, and not a person or people who commit it against people whose goals are peaceful?

There is certainly no evidence that is public to indicate Penny got on that train with any other intention but to travel.

Whether Penny and Rittenhouse end up in the same boat depends on if a grand jury reviews the incident, and ultimately, what those jurors decide.

Penny is, from what we know, a law-abiding citizen who also happens to be light-complected.

His actions have given mobs of leftists something they can potentially riot over, and when the rioting starts, the courts generally follow suit by acting to appease the mobs.

Penny has reportedly retained an attorney. For his sake, that is the best move he can make at this time.

Kenosha, Wisconsin, looks like Mayberry compared to New York, and yet prosecutors in that city went after Rittenhouse with everything they had.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
