
Lara Trump: 175,000 Trump Rally Tickets Requested in Deep Blue New Jersey


President Donald Trump is reaching people that many believed could never be reached by a Republican president or presidential candidate.

The evidence of that is plentiful in the deep blue state of New Jersey, where Trump is going to spend his Tuesday night.

The president will be on hand for a rally in the Garden State, a state most experts believe is a lost cause for the GOP.

But that has not always been the case. New Jersey voted for a Republican president in 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984 and 1988, according to 270towin.

The president’s staff either senses a shift in the state back to its politics of old or they are taking a shot in the dark.

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Judging by the response so far, at least according to an interview the president’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump gave to WPGG, an earth-shaking shift could be taking place.

Lara, who is the wife of Eric Trump, said that a whopping 175,000 tickets had been requested for the rally, which she said is a record for any of Trump’s rallies.

She said that the response was so great that the president’s campaign is planning to do another New Jersey rally in the future.

Do you think Trump is garnering more support in New Jersey?

As someone who has lived in New Jersey for more than four decades, this writer can tell you that that type of response for a Republican is mind-boggling.

“The president of the United States is coming here to South Jersey to the 2nd District,” rallygoer Duke Reale, who arrived around 2 p.m. on Sunday for the Tuesday rally, told WABC-TV. “It’s wonderful.”

“It’s just history in the making for the generation ahead of me,” Selena Wollk, another Trump supporter, said. “And it’s just a once in a lifetime event.”

The play to go to South Jersey is a wise move because of its proximity to Pennsylvania, a state Trump would love to win again in 2020.

“New Jersey has been a blue state for a long time,” rallygoer Ed Talmo told WABC. “I think just by the turnout hours and days before the event, it just shows his presence is really wanted in New Jersey.”

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Due to the large number of people who want to attend the event, and the fact that it will be held in the 7,500-seat capacity Wildwoods Convention Center, a large monitor is being erected outside the convention center.

“This is like being in Disneyland for Trump supporters,” supporter Justin Mack said. “This is like being Christmas, 5 years old. This is the best day of my life.”

“Being born and raised in Wildwood, it is just incredible experience to have a sitting president visit your town and bring this many people together,” Pam Byrne Gentek, another fan of the president, said.

Could we be witnessing another Reagan 1984 scenario in which the incumbent president scores victories in 49 states? Probably not, but with the colossal failure impeachment has been, anything is possible.

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Carmine Sabia is a political pundit, editor and writer and has been featured on various television and radio programs. He is a former professional wrestling promoter and real estate investor.
Carmine Sabia is a political pundit, editor and writer and has been featured on various television and radio programs. He is a former professional wrestling promoter and real estate investor.
