
Libs Throw a Fit After Broadcaster Gives Christian Response to Eagles QB's Remarks


A legendary former NFL coach who became the first black head coach to lead a team to a Super Bowl victory 11 years ago has come under heavy fire from liberals for responding to the Philadelphia Eagles’ stunning victory in the latest Super Bowl game by highlighting its quarterback’s Christian faith.

“Congratulations to the Eagles. Nick Foles told me last week that he felt the Lord had him in Philadelphia for a special moment and he played like it tonight,” Pro Football Hall of Fame member Tony Dungy wrote in a tweet Sunday after the culmination of Super Bowl LII, referencing the Eagles’ quarterback.

Dungy led the Indianapolis Colts to victory in Super Bowl XLI and currently serves as an analyst on NBC’s “Football Night in America.”

For this otherwise innocuous tweet, Dungy briefly became public enemy number one to the radical left, who relentlessly hammered him on social media and in the mainstream media for daring to speak publicly about Christianity.

Here’s just one example of the nasty backlash he received:

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According to The Daily Wire, Houston-based sports writer Stephanie Stradley chimed in as well with a since-deleted tweet, writing, “I’m just not wanting it as a part of football analysis. Humans are not the Holy Spirit.”

One especially peeved critic, Kyle Koster, went so far as to pen a column demanding that Dungy be taken to task and potentially even fired for his tweet.

“Dungy, a very public and proud Christian, pushed a narrative favorable to Christianity that may or may not be true,” he wrote for The Big Lead, the anti-Christian scorn dripping off his pen.

Is there anything wrong with what Dungy tweeted?

“Dungy expressing his beliefs on his personal time and platform is one thing … But when his beliefs seep into his analyst role — either unintentionally or otherwise — they should be checked, both by NBC and the public,” he added.

Yet not shockingly, Koster previously defended blacklisted former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, arguing that he should be hired by the NFL despite his anti-American national anthem protests. Hypocrisy much?

Brandon Morse of RedState said it best: “(T)he media seems to find it no problem at all to speak on a player’s political standpoints, so long as that standpoint is on the left.”

Exactly. It’s always the same story with liberals, which is that “it’s OK when we do it, but not OK when you do it.”

But no worries, because as of Thursday, Dungy still remains gainfully employed. Furthermore, he quickly silenced all his critics earlier this week with the following two bombshell tweets:

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Well said, Mr. Dungy.

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