
Man Drives Truck Into Family, Kills Father Then Opens Fire with Shotgun - Ends Up Dead When Ammo Runs Out


A man allegedly plowed through a family with his pickup truck as they were enjoying a touristy walk near Glacier National Park on Sunday.

But that was only the beginning.

The man, Derick Amos Madden, evoked more chaos by getting out of his truck and reportedly unleashing gunfire, killing one man, David Siau, and a toddler, according to the Associated Press.

The 18-month-old toddler, McKenzie Siau, was being held by her mother, Christy Siau, when she was fatally wounded by gunfire.

However, the chaos came to an abrupt halt when the Christy’s sister-in-law, Christina Siau, managed to kill Madden after he ran out of ammunition.

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According to the Associated Press, Madden had serious mental health issues and had formerly been in a romantic relationship with the woman who killed him.

Madden bulldozed his Toyota Tacoma onto a sidewalk and hit the Siau family around 9 p.m. on Sunday in East Glacier Park, the sheriff’s office said to the Associated Press.

He hit some of the family members before crashing his truck into a tree.

The reported attacker sprung from his destroyed vehicle and began his killing spree.

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After running out of ammunition, he whipped out his alternative weapon: a knife, Capt. Tom Seifert from the Glacier County Sheriff’s Office told the Associated Press.

The killer then began to charge Christina Siau.

Despite being viciously attacked by a crazed man with a deadly weapon, Christina overcame her life-threatening situation by fatally wounding Madden during the attack.

Police did not elaborate on how Christina defended herself against Madden, but Seifert stated “She fought back, and she won.”

Police arrived within minutes after the ferocious assault began; however, the attack was over at that point.

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The sheriff’s office described the blood-drenching chaos as an “isolated … incident with a clear nexus between the victims and Madden.” However, there is still an ongoing investigation into the attack.

McKenzie was pronounced dead at the Indian Health Service hospital in Browning, Montana, the Associated Press reported.

Christy and Christina also suffered from injuries and were flown to another hospital.

Christy was unable to be interviewed due to her critical injuries, Seifert said.

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