
Man Killed by Police, Causing Riots in Memphis, Was Wanted for Shooting of Mississippi Man


A black man killed in a shootout with federal police in Memphis was reportedly wanted for armed robbery and attempted murder, authorities confirmed Thursday.

Brandon Webber, 20, was killed in a shootout with federal agents Wednesday night. He was suspected of shooting a Mississippi man June 3, then stealing his car in Hernando, Mississippi, Reuters reported.

Webber responded to a Facebook ad by the victim to sell his car. The two went for a test drive of the vehicle on June 3.

As the victim stepped out of the car, Webber reportedly shot him five times before driving away.

The victim is currently in the hospital, DeSoto County District Attorney General John Champion told reporters at a press conference, according to ABC News.

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A second suspect in the man’s shooting was still being sought after by authorities, according to Reuters.

A federal fugitive task force was seeking Webber in Memphis on multiple arrest warrants related to his alleged involvement in the shooting. Webber reportedly crashed his vehicle into police cars Wednesday night, starting an altercation that would result in his death.

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Webber’s death ignited anti-police riots across Memphis on Wednesday night, resulting in 36 police officers being injured in the chaos, six of which were hospitalized, ABC News reported.

Several police cars were vandalized during the rioting, and the windows of a fire station were shattered, according to Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland.

Rioters reportedly threw rocks and bricks at police, prompting the use of tear gas by officers to break up the crowds.

At least three arrests were made, according to Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings.

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