Lifestyle & Human Interest

Man Sets Up Camera and Finds Out His Cat Likes To Sleep on His Face


Meet Achi the cat, a feline from Thailand who prowls around at night seeking the comfort of his human’s face.

If you’ve ever lived with a cat, chances are you are familiar with the way your cat initiates and avoids physical affection like a pro.

While Achi is reportedly a very affectionate cat, he prefers to wait until his owner, Lomphonten Lomphontan, is fast asleep before deciding he is ready for a snuggle session.

According to The Dodo, Lomphonten originally set up a camera in his home in order to monitor what his kitty was doing all day while he was at work.

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But how Achi behaved at night turned out to be the real gem of the footage, which left the unsuspecting Lomphonten both surprised and amused.

Prior to viewing the footage, Lomphonten was unaware that Achi would silently creep into his bedroom, hop onto his bed, and poke and prod at his sleeping owner.

Footage revealed that Achi inched closer and closer to Lomphonten’s head, eventually settling down very close to his face. Before long, Achie had Lomphonten in a bit of a loving choke hold, staring down his owner with eyes opened wide.

“I sat and watched [the footage] one night,” Lomphonten told The Dodo. “It was very funny.”

Has your cat ever tried to snuggle on your head?

Lomphonten did not report any sleep disruptions to The Dodo, rather, he had no idea Achi was up to such mischief as he slept.

While some may find the cat’s behavior worrisome, Lomphonten said it just makes him adore Achi all the more.

“I feel very much in love with him that he loves me like this,” he told The Dodo.

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As Lomphonten continued to review the nighttime footage, he found that Achi repeated his ritual night after night, all while Lomphonten slept soundly.

Whatever the cat’s motive, Lomphonten is confident that he knows why Achi likes to be so close.

“It’s a show of love,” Lomphonten said.

Lomphonten seems quite content with the sleeping arrangement, as does Achi.

Does your cat ever find your face the most interesting place to be while you sleep?

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A graduate of Grand Canyon University, Kim Davis has been writing for The Western Journal since 2015, focusing on lifestyle stories.
Kim Davis began writing for The Western Journal in 2015. Her primary topics cover family, faith, and women. She has experience as a copy editor for the online publication Thoughtful Women. Kim worked as an arts administrator for The Phoenix Symphony, writing music education curriculum and leading community engagement programs throughout the region. She holds a degree in music education from Grand Canyon University with a minor in eating tacos.
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