
Man Sets Up Shop Outside Pete Buttigieg's Office, Within 37 Seconds Security Shows Up


A reporter came up with a rather comical idea to bring to light the federal government’s lack of concern for the people of East Palestine, Ohio.

On Sunday, Benny Johnson, who hosts the podcast “The Benny Show,” took to Twitter to post a video of himself standing in front of the Transportation Department Building handing out free bottles of water that came straight from the tap of East Palestine.

This comic spectacle was done to draw attention to the fact that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has done next to nothing to help the residents of the small town after a derailed train flooded the nearby water with toxic chemicals.

True, Buttigieg did visit East Palestine, but critics have blasted the visit, saying that he only went out of obligation after former President Donald Trump visited the site and that his visit had little impact on the situation there.

So Johnson decided to take the problem right to Buttigieg’s doorstep, in order to show the secretary just how real the problem was.

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Johnson set up shop outside the front door of the Department of Transportation, with a table filled with plastic water bottles and a sign reading “Free East Palestine Water.”

He claimed that the idea came to him after hearing that Buttigieg declared the water in East Palestine was the “safest, best water in America,” and said, “As an entrepreneur, I’ve decided to create the East Palestine Water Company, and hand out free bottles of East Palestine, Ohio, straight from the tap.”

Johnson also said that the water contains all the toxic chemicals that “you’ve come to expect inside the small, little, destroyed town of East Palestine, because of the incompetence of people in this building.”

Have the people of East Palestine, Ohio, been forgotten?

Within seconds of beginning to hand out water, security was on the scene, and one worker, whom Johnson described as one of Buttigieg’s “evil minions” came out and threatened to tow the car.

Johnson offered them free bottles of water, but the worker declined, saying that he does not drink water without labels on the bottles, especially knowing that it comes from East Palestine.

Most other people on the street were also very reluctant to take a bottle of water. Presumably, despite the administration’s efforts, they know about the situation and don’t want to risk drinking it.

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Many people on Twitter responded enthusiastically to Johnson’s stunt, praising him for bringing attention to this very serious problem while the administration hopes to sweep it under the rug.

That gets to the bigger point here. Buttigieg and the Biden administration are hoping that the American people will just forget about what happened in Ohio because it makes their administration look bad while making Trump and the opposition look good.

But the people of East Palestine have not forgotten, and they certainly will not forget in a hurry that the federal government ignored their plight when their lives were in danger.

This just sums up the Biden administration, incompetence combined with a lack of concern for the issues facing ordinary Americans.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
