
Man Who Tried to Shoot Rittenhouse and Ended Up Shot Himself Lands in News Again Under His New Name: Report


Time now for Black Lives Matter Jeopardy.

To make things authentic, you might want to click on the link below and have the “Jeopardy” theme play.

Host: “This young man was acquitted of shooting three people in the Black Lives Matter ‘mostly peaceful protests’ in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020.”

Contestant One: “Who is Kyle Rittenhouse?”

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Host: “That’s correct. Kyle Rittenhouse.

“Next question: This man was shot and wounded by Kyle Rittenhouse in the BLM protests in Kenosha.”

Contestant One : “Who is Gaige Grosskreutz?”

Host: “No, I’m sorry. Not correct.”

Is Kyle Rittenhouse a hero?

Contestant One: “Hey, wait a minute. I know my stuff. It was…”

Contestant Two: “Who is Paul Prediger?”

Contestant One: “What?”

Host: “Paul Prediger is correct.”

Contestant One: “But…”

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Host: “Paul Prediger is the new name for Gaige Grosskreutz. He had a judge secretly change his name because his notoriety in the Kyle Rittenhouse case made him, he said, a target from ‘far right’ people threatening him.”

Contestant One: “Says Who?”

Host:  “The Kenosha County Eye. They reported on it in a story about Grosskreutz, er, Prediger, getting hurt in a hit-and-run car incident Sept. 2 in Milwaukee.”

And so it goes. (You may want to stop the Jeopardy music now.)

Paul Prediger, aka Gaige Grosskreutz, was again in the wrong place at the wrong time, although this time apparently by accident.

At the time of the BLM protest in 2020, he had already had brushes with the law in areas of gun possession while drunk, domestic abuse, burglary and more.

He spoke in an interview with Milwaukee’s WISN-TV Sept. 13, asking that his full name not be used.

In the interview, Prediger-Grosskreutz-Anonymous (PGA) told of his attempt to cross Warren Avenue using a crosswalk.

“I looked to my right and saw a car that had its blinker on, and they were presumably waiting for me to go through the crosswalk,” PGA said.

A security camera depicted what then happened — an SUV went around the car with the blinker on and hit him.

“I went on top of the hood and was dragged under and was stuck underneath the vehicle for a good 20 feet before I came out underneath, and next thing I know, I’m laying on the street looking upwards and wondering what happened,” PGA told the news outlet.

He was hospitalized with a lacerated liver and broken bones, according to WISN.

Police now have a suspect and on Thursday charged Marvin Thomas with two felonies in the incident, according to the Kenosha County Eye.

And PGA, who says his injuries prevent him from working, has started a GoFundMe appeal to provide income and to help pay medical bills.

It’s posted, of course, under the name of Paul Prediger.

It’s unfortunate that he suffered these grievous injuries, and we certainly hope and pray for a speedy and complete recovery.

That said, I can imagine the grief that has come to someone named Kyle Rittenhouse, especially at the hands of those who hate guns.

Think about that for a while. And resume the Jeopardy theme, if you like — good music to think by.

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Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
