
Massive Crowd Shows Up to Protest Against Dodgers' Honoring of Anti-Christian LGBT Group


The Los Angeles Dodgers are moving ahead with their decision to honor an anti-Christian LGBT group, but Christians are making their voices on the matter heard.

Last month, the Dodgers announced that they would be using their “Pride Night” as an occasion to honor the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” an anti-Christian drag queen group that makes a mockery of Christians.

In addition to their mockery of Catholic nuns, they are also infamous for lewd and obscene performances that mock the beliefs and practices of millions of Catholics across America and around the world.

The Dodgers initially rescinded their invitation to the group after a backlash, but following pressure from the LGBT lobby, they reinvited the group. Now, despite a loud outcry from conservative Christians, the team is going forward with that recognition.

In spite of this obvious example of anti-Catholic bigotry, Catholics, other Christians and all men and women of goodwill are not backing down, and they are letting the Dodgers know exactly how they feel.

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CatholicVote, the Catholic advocacy group that spearheaded the initial boycott of the Dodgers, released an ad in Los Angeles reminding the Dodgers that they stood up for Jackie Robinson in the face of anti-black racism. They stood up for what was right, but now, they risk throwing that all away.

WARNING: The following video contains images that some may find offensive.

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But it did not stop there, as a massive crowd of people showed up outside Dodger Stadium Friday to peacefully and prayerfully protest this blasphemy.

Catholics and other Christians stood outside the stadium praying and singing hymns to honor God and to make an act of reparation for the acts of blasphemy committed by the Dodgers.

Journalist Jack Posobiec led the crowd in a Latin recitation of the Lord’s Prayer repeating the phrase “sed libera nos a malo” (“but deliver us from evil”), reminding the people assembled that God has promised to free us from sin.

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But it was not only Christians who showed up to the rally, as Jews and people of other faiths joined them to protest this blatant act of bigotry. One rabbi spoke to the crowd, saying, “If you are anti-Catholic, you’re anti-religion, you’re anti-God, I got a problem with that.”

The response to the Dodger’s blasphemous decision should bring us hope as Christians. The media and the cultural and political elites may be deeply anti-Christian, but there are still men and women of goodwill who are willing to stand up for what’s right.

Oftentimes, Christians in an increasingly secular world can feel like they are fighting a losing battle against the forces of evil.

But the events of this prayer rally remind us that we are not alone. Our brothers and sisters and Christ will be right alongside us, as will God.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
