
Matt Gaetz Accuses ATF of Violating Federal Law, Intimidating Congressional Witnesses


There is a question that dates back to the Roman Empire which remains relevant today. The original Latin quote is now often translated, “Who watches the watchmen?” It’s a reminder that even law enforcement needs consistent oversight to prevent corruption.

It’s become clear that in the United States, our federal law enforcement agencies no longer pursue justice, but act as the muscle for political racketeers. As the government abuses its power, who is there to watch the watchmen now?

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida is one person who not only recognizes that law enforcement agencies are committing crimes, he is actually doing something about it. In a letter, Gaetz confronted the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives about alleged retaliatory actions taken against a witness who testified before Congress regarding ATF misconduct. Gaetz is demanding answers from ATF Director Steven Dettelbach that could expose illegal actions by the AFT.

Breitbart News reported the person targeted by the ATF was Chris Smith of Gulf Coast Gun in Florida, a constituent of Gaetz. “ATF’s visit to Smith’s business came after Smith provided testimony at Gaetz’s ‘Field Hearing on the Weaponization of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,’” the outlet reported.

Gaetz and Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia led the Field Hearing on June 26.

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In a Thursday post on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, Gaetz described the ATF’s apparent acts of revenge against Smith.

“In an alleged violation of federal law, ATF agents showed up at his business to aggressively audit and harass him over a license he has only held for six months and has yet to use. Because Mr. Smith has not yet used the license, the agents had nothing to inspect and had no choice but to leave.”

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In addition, Gaetz also noted the ATF made an unjustified visit to the home of the gun store’s manager, and sent him an ominous message: “Don’t worry, we know where you work.”

Gaetz’s allegation is the ATF broke federal law by doing multiple inspections on a Congressional witness. In his letter to Dettelbach, Gaetz cites the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986. This legislation states ATF compliance inspections are to take place “not more than once during any twelve-month period.”

In his letter, Gaetz noted “The ATF had previously audited Chris’ retail license within the last year, and it follows that given the ATF is forbidden from auditing the same business twice in one year, the only excuse the ATF had to harass Chris further was to audit a new, unused manufacturer’s license.”

The letter provided a list of six questions to which Gaetz wanted answers, including, “Who at the ATF made the decision to audit the unused license of a congressional whistleblower after giving his testimony?”

Another query was, “What rules, regulations, or other agency documents does the ATF rely upon for its apparent position that multiple licenses for a single licensee subjects the licensee to multiple warrantless inspections within a 12-month period? Please provide those documents.”

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With the way the federal government has acted in recent years, it will be surprising if Gaetz receives any straightforward answers to his legitimate questions.

Still, Gaetz is at least trying to create accountability. Using his platform in Congress to challenge corrupted entities, ranging from the U.S. Postal Service to the FBI, Gaetz should get credit for his efforts to drain the swamp in the bureaucracy.

Gaetz’s attacks on the swamp have led to retaliation against him as well. Gaetz’s faith-based response was the sort of thing that could probably only make his opponents hate him more.

The issues Gaetz focuses on show that he gets it. The bureaucracy needs to be held accountable. It should never be used as a weapon to go after political or issue-based opponents.

Gaetz is watching the watchmen, and trying to make them answer to the American people.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
