
Matt Walsh Exposes Transgender Care's Biggest Scam with Undercover Video


The controversy and relative downfall of Project Veritas in the wake of James O’Keefe’s abrupt departure has created a vacuum within conservative journalism circles.

For the time being, it appears the void is going to be filled by conservative firebrand and Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, perhaps best known for his wildly successful “What Is a Woman?” documentary.

Walsh’s first foray into the world of undercover, investigative journalism was documented in a lengthy Twitter thread, where he and his team discovered just how vast and efficient the transgender networking was within healthcare.

The lengthy thread, which goes 20 tweets deep, primarily focuses on the ease of which people can procure the necessary prerequisites to go through radical “gender affirming” surgeries.

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First, the thread begins with Walsh documenting a clinical social worker, Ari Groner, who basically confirmed that she puts very little thought or standards into her letters of recommendation, which are an early step needed for doctors to approve those radical surgeries.

As disconcerting as that is, this is one social worker explaining her questionable methods. Surely the industry leaders aren’t following the same guidelines.

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Not so, as Walsh and his team then turned their investigative focus to two of the largest “healthcare service” providers for LGBT youths, Folx and Plume.

Walsh accused both groups of putting profits above responsibility, and some of the evidence his team documented strongly suggest that to be true.

Here, Walsh documents Folx’s own language where the group tells prospective patients that they “needed” a gender dysphoria diagnosis so that insurers pay out:

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When Walsh and his team followed up, a Folx representative told them that “gender dysphoria has become a requirement to have gender-affirming procedures covered be your insurance, even though the diagnosis doesn’t apply to all trans folks.”

Worse yet, Walsh and his team also discovered that Plume, the self-described “largest virtual clinic for transgender” people requires little more than enough money for a high-end dinner date.

“[The workers at Plume] sell letters for $150 authorizing surgeries,” Walsh tweeted out. “That’s how our producer @gregg_re received approval for testicle removal after a 22-minute video call.”

Indeed, Walsh then included a series of videos showing that, despite “Gregg” not fitting the clinical definition for being gender dysphoric, nor exhibiting any knowledge about the life-changing procedures he was faux-signing up for, the Plume nurse practitioner still wanted to help Gregg obtain the best letter possible to secure his testicle removal.

The nurse also doesn’t blink twice when Gregg told her that his father had been prescribing him hormones for years. In fact, she called it “perfect.”

It’s all disturbing stuff, which ultimately culminates in Gregg being approved for said testicle removal.

And not unlike the Irish legends of yore, Walsh and his team did indeed discover a giant pot of gold at the end of this particular rainbow.

Walsh notes that Plum and Folx were able to rapidly ascend and spread because of money.

“Plume and Folx raised more than $45 million last year,” Walsh noted.

Walsh ends his thread by tagging a number of entities, such as the various major healthcare providers in the country, asking them if “they know they’re paying for surgeries based on obviously false information?”

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Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics.
Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics. He graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. He is an avid fan of sports, video games, politics and debate.
Class of 2010 University of Arizona. BEAR DOWN.
Phoenix, Arizona
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