
Mayor 'Speechless' After Prominent Islam Critic Stabbed in Brutal Knife Attack


In Mannheim, Germany on Friday, attendees at a rally for a right-wing German political party were attacked by a knife-wielding man who injured several people before being shot by police.

The motive for the stabbing attack is still unclear, but among those injured, in addition to at least one police officer, was Michael Stürzenberger, described as an outspoken critic of Islam, according to German outlet DW News.

The 59-year-old Stürzenberger was taken to a local hospital after suffering “severe stab wounds to his face and leg” during the attack, Fox News reported.

The outlet said Stürzenberger’s group, Pax Europa, has “vocally opposed” Islam and Muslim immigrants in Germany, most recently advocating for a ban on mosques.

The Associated Press reported that six people were wounded in the attack, which took place around 11:30 a.m. in the Markplatz square.

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Sky News noted that some of the attack was caught on video, and that footage documented the attacker stabbing a police officer as he bent down to help someone. It also showed the man swinging his knife wildly, wrestling with a man while other bystanders tried to pull him off.

As seen in the footage shared by The Associated Press, the attacker was eventually subdued by a police officer who shot him.

WARNING: The following video contains violent acts that some may find disturbing.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a statement posted to social media platform X that “Violence is absolutely unacceptable in our democracy. The perpetrator has to be severely punished.”

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Mannheim Mayor Christian Sprecht said news of the attack left him “speechless,” and urged citizens “not to speculate about the motives behind the attack before investigators publish their findings,” DW News reported.

However, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser expressed concern that the incident was the work of an Islamic extremist.

“If the investigation shows an Islamist motive, that would be another confirmation of the great danger from Islamist acts of violence that we have warned of,” she said in a statement, according to the AP.

Regardless of whether you agree with the hardline anti-Islam stance advocated by the group holding the demonstration, this attack was yet another indication of how dangerous it can be to criticize Islam.

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Europe has been in a particularly bad place, considering the massive immigration of Muslims to all parts of Europe in the past few decades.

Instead of becoming a melting pot for different religions and cultures, the country — the continent even — has become divided, with its population prone to civil violence.

While all, or even most, Muslims would not condone or participate in this kind of violence, the fact remains that violence against the “infidels” has historically been condoned and even encouraged by Islam.

And, generally speaking, it has been historically difficult to maintain a peaceful relationship with folks who believe killing you is an act of righteousness.

Which is something Europe, unfortunately, has been learning the hard way.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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