Lifestyle & Human Interest

Meet Heroes Media Ignored: Restaurant Makes 1000 Meals for Hurricane Victims in One Day


It’s been some time since the devastating force known as Hurricane Harvey tore through Texas, demolishing homes and leaving broken lives in its wake.

August and September 2017 were not good months for many people, but one group jumped in to help alleviate the disaster through something everyone needs: A good meal.

Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge in Port Arthur, Texas, leapt in by preparing thousands of meals for both first responders and victims. It took a whole crew working day and night to prep all the Styrofoam cartons of food, but they did it.

“These were some of our employees and volunteers that help us prep, pack and deliver 1500+ meals Friday,” the restaurant posted on September 2, 2017.

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“If you know them or see them around, please give them a BIG HUG and THANK YOU!!!! We will be closing again today for business but we will continue to prep meals to deliver to evacuees and first responder.”

“If you have extra empty cardboard boxes please drop it off so we can use it to put food container in.”

Even though the volunteers put forth a Herculean effort that highlighted their generous hearts, no one really seemed to notice what they’d done, outside of the grateful individuals who received a meal from them. And that’s OK — owners Phe Nguyen and Binh Nguyen, brothers, weren’t looking for that kind of attention, because their act of kindness was from the heart.

But Phe’s son knew the two deserved more recognition, so he took to Facebook to bring more attention to their actions.

“My dad and uncle Binh own a restaurant in Southeast Texas and they were also effected by Harvey but the media doesn’t cover it,” Phe’s son Keith wrote, according to a post by Frank Somerville with KTVU.

“Today them, their staff and volunteers helped create over 1000 meals for victims, first responders, and other volunteers. My dad and uncle are both very humble about it but I believe they at least deserve recognition and appreciation for everything that they do.”

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“Their restaurant is Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge in Port Arthur, Tx. If you’re ever in the area you should stop by and support these hard working men, or even share their good deed on facebook.”

Plenty of people who’d personally received food from the restaurant commented on their post, thanking them for their kindness and their meal. This is what kindness is all about: Using your particular gifts to bless others.

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