
Michelle Wolf Launches Vile Attack Against Ivanka, Compares Her to an STD


After a controversial turn as host of the annual White House Correspondents Dinner earlier this year, comedian Michelle Wolf has gone on to push more boundaries as the host of her own Netflix talk show.

As The Hill reported, she received backlash after the most recent episode, which included rants about first daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump, among others in the administration of President Donald Trump.

One segment offered satirical advice for insulting White House officials, explaining that she supports Rep. Maxine Water’s call for harassing them but does not think “casual” protests will work.

“You can’t just casually harass these people,” she said. “You have to insult them specifically.”

Referencing a crass depiction of Ivanka Trump last month by Samantha Bee, Wolf cautioned that the profane language used by the “Full Frontal” host was not effective.

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“‘You’re a c***’ doesn’t hurt them,” she said. “It’s on their vision board.”

Wolf went on to offer some alternatives she said would impact Trump administration officials more acutely.

In order to affect members of the administration, she said, critics would need to choose words that are “life-alteringly hurtful” to their targets and “hit their deepest insecurities with the hot venom of a teenager from a broken home.”

Though she provided insults to several elected officials and other prominent government figures, she spent a majority of the segment focused on Ivanka Trump.

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“First, call her Tiffany,” Wolf advised users who spot Trump in public. “This will devastate her.”

The host then launched into several pointed jabs generally related to Ivanka Trump’s perceived ineffectiveness in blunting her father’s harsh policies.

“Ivanka, you’re like vaginal mesh,” Wolf said in her first suggested insult. “You were supposed to support women but now you have blood all over and you’re the center of a thousand lawsuits.”

Another joke compared her to Yaz, a birth control pill some studies linked to adverse side effects.

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“At first it seemed like it would be really cool and helpful, but you need to be immediately recalled,” Wolf said.

Interjected into her jokes at the expense of other Trump officials, Wolf provided several other insults related to Ivanka Trump.

“Hey girl, do your legs hurt? Because you’ve been running afoul of government ethics all year,” she suggested as the next alternative.

Acknowledging that the insult will “satisfy you more than it will hurt her,” Wolf added yet another vulgar comparison she said would be sure to hit its mark.

“Is your nickname herpes? Because you’re not necessarily the most dangerous person in the administration, but you’re very unpleasant, totally incurable and you always show up when we’re about to get f****d,” she said.

Wolf closed the segment by referring to Ivanka Trump as the “prettiest tumor in a swiftly moving cancer.”

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Chris Agee is an American journalist with more than 15 years of experience in a wide range of newsrooms.
Chris Agee is an American journalist with more than 15 years of experience in a variety of newsroom settings. After covering crime and other beats for newspapers and radio stations across the U.S., he served as managing editor at Western Journalism until 2017. He has also been a regular guest and guest host on several syndicated radio programs. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife and son.
Texas Press Association, Best News Writing - 2012
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism - Averett University
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