
Mike Huckabee Believes Trump Will Be Convicted, D.C. Case Will Make Its Way to SCOTUS


Donald Trump supporters may be in for a difficult few months.

During an appearance on Newsmax’s “Wake Up America,” former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee predicted that Trump will likely lose at the court level.

“I don’t think anybody has any idea that there will be a fair trial in D.C., for Donald Trump,” Huckabee said.

“I think he will lose at the court level. I think he’ll lose, maybe, at the appellate level. But if this goes to the Supreme Court, this well could be a 9-0 decision based on free speech and the right of belief. This is really what this case is about.”

Huckabee is most probably right.

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On Wednesday, Trump posted on Truth Social, writing that it was impossible to get a fair trial in D.C.

“The latest Fake “case” brought by Crooked Joe Biden & Deranged Jack Smith will hopefully be moved to an impartial Venue, such as the politically unbiased nearby State of West Virginia! “Trump wrote.

“IMPOSSIBLE to get a fair trial in Washington, D.C., which is over 95% anti-Trump, & for which I have called for a Federal TAKEOVER in order to bring our Capital back to Greatness,” he added.

“He is right that 95 percent of Washington DC voted for Joe Biden in 2020,” Finnerty said to Huckabee, referencing the post. “Is that part of the calculus on the part of Jack Smith… because Smith might know that no matter what Trump says or does or how good of a case his defense team presents, they’re going to find him guilty?” he asked.

Do you think Trump’s case will go to SCOTUS?

“It’s home cooking,” Huckabee said. “They know that in D.C,. a Democrat’s always going to be treated favorably and a Republican is going to get it stuck to him.”

Huckabee elaborated in a Fox Business interview this week, labeling the Trump indictments as “an attempt to steer the presidential election of 2024” and pointing out that the announcements in the case always seem to come “when there’s damaging information about the Biden crime family.”

Former Supreme Court clerk Mike Davis expressed a similar opinion in an interview on Fox News.

“This current case is before an Obama judge in D.C. with a 95 percent Democrat D.C. jury pool that’s 99 percent Trump deranged,” Davis said.

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“There’s no question he’ll be found guilty and convicted in D.C. and the Supreme Court will have to overturn this conviction because it clearly violates the First Amendment — it’s lawless lawfare by Jack Smith and Merrick Garland,” Davis added.

For Trump supporters, these will be trying months indeed.

But we need to take hope in the fact that the Supreme Court right now has a more Constitutionally conservative majority, which, God willing, will see the hypocrisy, double standard and use of lawfare in these indictments.

Our legal system, although not perfect, is one of the best there is.

We have to believe that, eventually, justice will prevail.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
