Lifestyle & Human Interest

Months After Hurricane Florence, Woman Who Pulled Terrified Dog from Flood Proclaimed Hero


During major weather events, many people search for updates and information, whether because they have family or friends in the affected area or because they want to stay updated with the latest news.

Many viewers are concerned for the people, but coming in close second is their concern for the animals affected by the disaster. While most can only watch and pray, there are those on the front lines who act — even when it’s not their job.

Anchor and reporter Julie Wilson with ABC11 WTVD went viral last year when she saved a dog in New Bern, North Carolina, in the middle of her segment. The pup, a good-sized rottweiler, looked dazed and confused as it plowed forward through chest-deep water into even deeper water behind Wilson

Thankfully the dog was good-natured, just confused, and didn’t really even struggle as Wilson picked her up and took her toward dry ground.

The world took note from her heroics, and though it’s been months since she helped haul the dog to safety, some haven’t forgotten her act of kindness.

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So this month, The American Rottweiler Club sent a representative to the set, with a breed ambassador tagging along, of course, to present Wilson with the “Good Samaritan Award.”

“Good Samaritan Award,” the plaque read. “Awarded to Julie Wilson for aiding a Rottweiler to safety during Hurricane Florence. On behalf of dog lovers everywhere, thank you.”

“To see you just stop where you are, take that scared dog, make sure she got out,” the woman presenting her with the award said, “you hit every one of us right in the heart.”

“At the height of Hurricane Florence, Julie Wilson stopped reporting and did what any dog lover would do: she rescued a dog struggling in the rising water…and now she’s getting a special award for it,” ABC11’s Facebook page posted on March 6.

Apparently Wilson had no idea she was about to get an award, but graciously accepted the plaque and went to Facebook to explain her impression of the surprise.

“Didn’t expect this!” she posted on March 5. “Some of you may know me from Hurricane Florence and the Rottweiler rescue (I like to tell people women will go to great lengths to pet a dog ?) .”

“Today, I anticipated writing all day with a quick meeting sprinkled in (I thought it was a meeting about dog segments) so I pulled my hair back and prepared for the day.”

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“Little did I know I would not only be greeted by the cutest pup, but would be presented with the Good Samaritan Award from the American Rottweiler Club!’

“I’m truly honored the club would think of me when there are countless people doing great things. ? Sidenote : though the pictured pupperoni is a cutie, this isn’t the cutie from that day in New Bern).”

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