
MSNBC's Joy Reid Makes Extremely Bizarre, Offensive Claim About Why Nikki Haley Isn't Winning GOP Primary


MSNBC host Joy Reid should be voting for Nikki Haley, and if she doesn’t, by her own admission, she’s a racist.

According to Reid, the only reason Iowa caucusgoers did not pick Haley as their nominee on Monday was because of the color of her skin.

“It’s the elephant in the room,” the reliably leftist Reid said during MSNBC’s live coverage of the caucuses. “She’s still a brown lady that’s got to try to win in a party that is deeply anti-immigrant, and which accepts the notion you can say immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.

“She’s getting birthered by Donald Trump, and I don’t care how much the donor class likes her — which will ramp up a lot the better she does in New Hampshire — it’s still a challenge,” Reid added.

“I don’t see how she becomes the nominee of that party with Donald Trump still around. I can’t picture it happening,” Reid added.


“Maybe it could happen. Ron DeSantis’ only argument for staying in it is he’s the white guy, that he can still make the appeal to white evangelicals,” she added.

By Reid’s analysis, if Nikki Haley were to become the nominee, Joy Reid would do the right thing and vote for her. After all, who’s whiter than President Joe Biden?

Reid’s ludicrous statement reveals the mindset of leftists like her, who see everything through the lens of race.

Do you like Nikki Haley?

While no party is a monolith, for the majority of conservatives, race is not the deciding factor in how they choose their candidates.

Many Republicans see Nikki Haley as a neocon and weak on abortion, two of the reasons they will not vote for her.

During an appearance on “The Jeff Poor Show,” hosted by Breitbart TV editor Jeff Poor, Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama put it plainly saying:

“Nikki Haley — she is a neocon. She has never seen a war she didn’t like. Joe Biden has got us on the verge of a world war but Nikki Haley, if she were to get in, she would just continue all of that.

“But she is not going to be our nominee. Donald Trump is going to be it,” he added.

Watch: Nikki Haley Caves, Announces Who She's Supporting in 2024 Election

Haley herself rejected Reid’s analysis when asked about it Tuesday on “Fox & Friends,” reminding the audience, despite what Reid thinks, that her brown skin never stopped her from achieving her goals.

“I’m a brown girl that grew up in a small, rural town in South Carolina who became the first female minority governor in [South Carolina] history, who became a U.N. ambassador and who is now running for president. If that’s not the American dream, I don’t know what is,” Haley told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade on Tuesday.

When asked if Republicans are a racist party, Haley refused to agree.

“No,” she said. “We’re not a racist country, Brian.

“We’ve never been a racist country. Our goal is to make sure that today is better than yesterday. Are we perfect? No, but our goal is to always make sure we try and be more perfect every day that we can,” she added.

“I know. I faced racism when I was growing up, but I can tell you today is a lot better than it was then. Our goal is to lift up everybody, not go and divide people on race or gender or party or anything else. We’ve had enough of that in America. That’s why I’m so passionate about doing this,” Haley said.

“I don’t want my kids growing up where they’re sitting there thinking that they’re disadvantaged because of a color or a gender. I want them to know that if they work hard, they can do and be anything they want to be in America,” she added.

Regardless of whether Haley succeeds in her presidential bid, and regardless of how many Republicans feel about her stands on controversial issues, the fact remains that this daughter of Indian immigrants is one of the most well-known, well-respected and influential leaders in the GOP.

That alone is proof that Reid’s bizarre claim is not only patently offensive, it’s demonstrably wrong.

Reid’s regressive comments reduce Haley’s impressive achievements to nothing but race and gender — the very thing she accuses Republicans of doing.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal


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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
