
MTG Torches Swalwell for Alleged 'Sexual' Fling with Chinese Spy, Gets Counterattack Entered Into Record


Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is often accused of being rough around the edges, but that does not make her tactics in regard to fighting back against Democrats in the House any less effective.

On Wednesday, Greene reminded her colleagues in the House — and people who were watching live at home — that Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California was previously investigated over an alleged sexual relationship with a Chinese spy.

The exercise in legislative savagery came during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing in which Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was grilled about his unwillingness to secure the country’s southern border.

Swalwell, who is more interested in posturing than national security, brought posters he used in an attempt to portray House Republicans — including Greene — as extremists.

One poster contained a social media post from Greene in which she previously called to “defund” the FBI.

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The California Democrat attempted to use the post and others to connect the GOP to anti-Semitism and anti-police sentiments.

In a response that instantly humbled Swalwell, Greene really put her fangs into Swalwell over his reported tryst with Fang Fang — the Beijing-based spy he allegedly dated.

“That was quite entertaining from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy,” Greene said.

After a brief pause, the congresswoman added, “And everyone knows it.”

One person who came across the clip on Twitter accurately summarized the moment as a “Mic drop by MTG!!”

The committee’s hearing completely unraveled as Swalwell attempted to have Greene’s remarks stricken from the official record.

Watch: Eric Swalwell Gets Roasted After Calling Out 'Chinese Agent'

She was offered an opportunity to retract the statement but she predictably declined and said, “No, I will not.”

Swalwell appeared as though he was ready to throw a fit while Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York was best described in his demeanor as apoplectic.

It took lawmakers about four minutes to read through the rules about what can and cannot be stricken from official records. In the end, Greene’s words remained.

Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi put on what might have been his best performance to date when he pretended to be appalled by Greene’s skewering of his Democratic colleague.

“We are a better committee than what the gentlelady is trying to make of this committee,” Thompson said.

It was almost as though Thompson forgot how divisive the partisan House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion, which he chaired, was for a country that was already fractured.

In any event, Greene refused to apologize or retract her statement and she was victorious in shutting Swalwell up.

She took somewhat of a victory lap in that on Twitter:

Swalwell was one of a number of “up and coming” San Francisco-area politicians who fell victim to Fang Fang, or Christine Fang, beginning a decade ago, Axios reported.

Do you agree with what MTG did during the hearing?

The report stated Swalwell was informed by intelligence officials Fang Fang, who was close to him and his 2014 re-election campaign, was a spy in 2015 and he cut ties with her immediately after.

Greene made it clear Wednesday that as long as Swalwell uses his committee assignments to blast Republicans that the scandal is fair game.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
